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Vall d'Hebron launches a campaign to create a new Advanced Neonatal Centre



Scientific studies show that the involvement of families in the teams of health care professionals is positive and improves the prognosis of the newborn in the short, medium and long term.

The Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus has today launched the campaign 'Contigo, como en casa', which aims to raise 880,000 euros to create a new Advanced Neonatal Centre. The project, which has 250,000 euros contributed by the "la Caixa" Bank Foundation, will contribute to placing to the newborn and their family in the care centre and will enhance international benchmark Neonatology Service through the assistance and research. The campaign 'Contigo, como en casa' begins with the story of álvaro, a child of one year and three months who spent the first three months of life in the Neonatology Service of Vall d'Hebron. His extraordinary story of struggle for life is an example of what the new centre will mean for families that have to live the admission of a son who has just been born. Andrés Iniesta and his wife Anna Ortiz sponsor the campaign and they have made a support video in which they encourage citizens and businesses wishing to do so to make their contributions through the website, the crowdfunding platform and through the CaixaBank donations portal, and buying Uttopy t-shirts with the motto #BornToBeExtraordinary, which is also the label of the campaign on social networks. One of the first companies that have collaborated to coincide with the launch of the campaign has been to Roche, which has donated 30,000 euros. Newly born and family will be as at home in Vall d'HebronThe project will enhance the inclusion of families as part of the team that takes care to the newborn. Spaces that protect and facilitate their intimacy and their participation will be created, in which they feel comfortable and where they always receive advice and support from health professionals. The Neonatology Service of Vall d'Hebron is one of the pioneers in this type of approach, and is one of the only two centres in the country accredited for training in NIDCAP(R) (a model of individualized care of the newborn, neurodevelopmental-centric). In recent years several projects in this line, as it is the case of the" Quasiacasa project and the" Projecte Germans have been initiated.The new centre will provide parents family rooms of exclusive use, with all the necessary equipment so that they can train in the attention to the needs of their children and be responsible for their care. Rooms will be created so that parents and children feel comfortable, at home. In addition, the space will have work and rest areas for professionals and families.This new model of care, which enhances the role of the family and facilitates its role as carer, may apply to all those newborn babies who have passed the most critical stage of the admission. The objective of promoting the development-centred care of the newly born and its family in Vall d'Hebron began 15 years ago, with great results in improving the survival rate and reduction of sequelae of infants with difficulties. The new centre, which will be a new important step within the project, will be the result of the restructuring of part of the Neonatology Service facilities. The Intermediate and Basic Care Unit, which is currently located on the second floor of the Mother and Child Hospital, will be moved to the semi-basement plant in an area of about 500 m2, which will be in direct communication with the ICU and Neonatal Semicritical. For the Manager of the Hospital Vall d'Hebron, Dr. Vicenç Martínez Ibáñez, the new centre will allow "further improve care to infants and help their families, fact that it is a source of pride for our hospital, and we will succeed through our first great campaign of micro and macro patronage". Moreover, àngel Font, corporate director of research and strategy of the "la Caixa" Bank Foundation, stated that "research is the key to ensuring the welfare of society, and is therefore a priority of the institution which I represent, which will triple its budget in research up to 90 million euros in 2019." And added that "a project like this is another example of the commitment of the institution with our most precious asset: health, and especially of the most vulnerable people, such as children." A project with scientific basisReference research studies in this field, including some made by professionals in the Neonatology Service and the Research Group on Growth and Development of the of Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), show that the involvement of families in the teams is positive and improves the prognosis of the neonates in short, medium and long term. The Corporate Director of Research and Strategy of the "la Caixa" Bank Foundation, àngel Font said that "research is the key to ensuring the welfare of society, and is therefore a priority of the institution that I represent, which will triple its budget in research up to 90 million euros in 2019." And added that "a project like this is another example of the commitment of the institution with our most precious asset: health, and especially of the most vulnerable people, such as children."Dr. Josep Perapoch, Head of the Section of Care Focused on the Development and the Family of the Neonatology Service and director of the Training Centre NIDCAP Barcelona-Vall d'Hebron, has led scientific studies on the application of focused care in the development and the consequences of prematurity. "In recent years, I have seen very significant changes in most of southern Europe neonatology units. Being opening to the parents has been one of the most important changes, who went from having visiting hours to have a free entrance 24 hours," has secured Dr. Perapoch.His team drives, together with VHIR, the University of Barcelona and the Hospital de Sant Pau, a research project on parenting skills in situations of prematurity and/or neonatal disease. In addition, he is the Coordinator of the INNòBICS project on individualized care to the newborn and its family and of the working group NIDCAP-PADEICS, composed of all the neonatal units of the hospitals in the ICS.Dr. Félix Castillo, Head of the neonatal service, has assured that "the involvement and integration of the family in the care of its admitted child in a service like Vall d'Hebron, with a very high complexity, is essential and beneficial for the patient as for the family." A thesis under his direction showed that preterm infants, when they were on "kangaroo" (skin to skin contact) decreased the apnoea and the bradycardias, the oxygen supply was reduced and they needed less sedation drug. "With the 'Quasiacasa' project, and the continuous training during the admission, parents express to us their security acquired in the care of their child and how this helps them reduce their anxiety. It is evident that a decrease of this anxiety and stress both in the newborn as in its family is very positive for the development and evolution," he concluded. Cos The new centre will help families to "lose their fear to take care of their child and reduce the dependence of the hospital and of its professionals, increasing their self-sufficiency in the care of their child," according to Dr. Castillo. Cos In addition, it will be possible to further develop research in parenting skills and in the valuation of the inclusion of the family as part of the team caretaker. The ultimate goal of the research will be to improve the quality of present and future life of infants and their families and facilitate the adaptation of workers to the new paradigm. The Neonatology ServiceThe Neonatology Service is part of the Mother and Child Hospital of Vall d'Hebron. Over the years it has established itself as a focal point at the national level in perinatal pathology. Its objective is to carry out a health care practice of human scale, of quality, safe, sustainable and efficient, centered in the patient and its family environment.180 professionals work and offer permanent and expert care, every day of the year, 24 hours a day. It has 24 beds of conventional hospitalization, 25 assistance points in the Intensive Care Unit and 20 in the Semicritical Care Unit. In total, 69 assistance points that make it the biggest service in the country. It also has a domiciliary hospitalization service, with 12 virtual beds, through which 200 newborns go through each year.

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