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Vall d'Hebron launches a campaign to promote the research for children's heart diseases



The campaign #VHTocaElCor aims to raise awareness about the importance of childhood heart diseases and promote research in this field.

Promotion of the researchThe principal lines of research at congenital heart diseases are working now the researchers of Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR) are the survey of the neurological repercussions of the fetuses and newborns with congenital heart diseases, the new techniques of cardiac surgery, the program at interventionism and hemodynamic pediatric with utilization of new devices for treatment percutaneously, the development of new pharmacists for cardiac insufficiency and pulmonary arterial hypertension grave and new ventricular assistive devices for the treatment bridge at the cardiac transplantation, the creation of a system of home monitoring for the boys with sicknesses at the heart, and the creation of new technicians of image with echocardiography. Besides, at the field of the genetic surveys, the professionals of the service of Cardiac Surgery and Pediatric Cardiology take part at international investigations of the hereditary sicknesses of the aorta (how the aorta bicuspid, where Vall d'Hebron is leader in the State at this field of research) and the hereditary cardiac sicknesses that have risk of sudden death. Congenital heart diseases, the most frequentThe heart diseases can be already present at the born (congenital heart diseases) or develop along the life. The congenital heart diseases are the majority: in Catalonia are born every year around 600 childs that suffer this (the incidence is among 5 and 12 for each 1.000 newborns), of which around a 25% needs a surgical intervention. In this group of sicknesses of the heart, the most frequent are, at this order, the communication inter ventricular (CIV), the communication inter auricular (CIA), the ductuspermeable, the pulmonary stenosis, the coarctation aortic, the aortic stenosis, the tetralogy of Fallot, the transposition of big arteries, the canal atrioventricular and the syndrome of the left-hand heart hypo plastic. These sicknesses can put at risk the life of the childs.Most of the sicknesses of the heart at newborn diagnose during the life prenatal: can detect already with only 12 weeks of gestation and, even, some can operate during the fetal life since the 20th week. Nevertheless, it is essential that the person that does the echography have a correct training to be able to suspect them and derive them at centers referents at cardiology fetal, like Vall d'Hebron. Most of the childs that are born with a congenital heart disease operate before the living year, but in others cases can be operated bigger and even of adults. 30 years ago the mortality was very high: most of childs with a sickness of heart did not surpass the infancy. At present, thanks to the advances of the diagnostic of the treatment, the mortality has reduced drastically, until only the 1-3%. "Most of childs and girls with sicknesses in heart can do a totally normal life, although they have to track controls with the cardiologists for life", explains the Dr. Ferran Rosés. Integral attention since the birth at the adult age"We are a group fully devoted at the childs with sicknesses of the heart, our aim is the excellence, treat very well the families and foster the research to give them a better life" abridges the Dr. Ferran Rosés. The Hospital Vall d'Hebron is the only center of Catalonia that has of a squad of professionals that attends the congenital heart diseases since the fetal life at the adult and realizes an integral assistance at the same center. This offers continuity and assures the best attention during the phase of transition of the pediatric age at the adult, a sensitive period.

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