03/12/2013 Vall d'Hebron launches a fundraising campaign in the hospital grounds 03/12/2013 The aim of the campaign is to engage new donors in order to fund the training of future researchers Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) launched this week a new fundraising campaign in the hospital facilities in order to attract and train new talent for biomedical research. This initiative completes the project started with "http://www.yoinvestigo.org/" www.yoinvestigo.org and the edition of the brochure ‘Ahora tú también puedes investigar’. The campaign takes place in the general area and will continue during the following weeks in the Maternal & Child Area and Trauma & Surgery Area, with the aim to attract new donors to fund the training of pre-doctoral researchers with VHIR grants. The website "http://www.yoinvestigo.org/" 'Yo Investigo' offers the possibility of donating on-line and contributing to every minute of the biomedical research done at Vall d’Hebron, which costs 11€/minute. Anybody can contribute in several ways: you may become a ‘friend of VHIR' donating on a regular basis, you may donate to a particular research group, you may leave a legacy, or you may donate your time and ideas to fundraise among your friends, colleagues and community. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp