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Vall d'Hebron a part of the new Spanish Paediatric Clinical Trials Network (RECLIP)



It is made up of the main hospital centers and Spanish pediatric networks and represents Spain in the European Network of Pediatric Clinical Trials.

This morning was presented in Santiago de Compostela the Spanish Paediatric Clinical Trials Network ( RECLIP), consisting of 19 clinical nodes and six research networks and scientific societies covering a total of more than 40 research units in paediatrics in Spain. It is coordinated from the Health Research Institute of Santiago (IDIS). Vall d'Hebron Hospital Campus has participated from the outset in the creation of RECLIP and has been leading the process of setting up strategies together with the University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela."The enormous weight of the different services and paediatrics research of transversal services with paediatric activity of Vall d'Hebron was the reason why it was elected by all hospitals in the network as a member of the Executive Committee," said Dr. Carlos Rodrigo, Head of Paediatrics Service of the Hospital Vall d'Hebron Research, researcher of the Fetal Maternal Medicine research group at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) and member of the Executive Committee of RECLIP.In addition, the activities of the Steering Committee of RECLIP corresponding to Vall d'Hebron also involved Dr. Soledad Gallego, Head of the Paediatric Oncology and Hematology Service and principal investigator in the Group of Translational Research in Child and Adolescent Cancer of VHIR, as operating leader, and Mr. Xavier Cañas, Director for the Promotion of Clinical Research at VHIR.The Spanish Paediatric Clinical Trials NetworkRECLIP is a professional network, super-specialized, multidisciplinary, covering the full spectrum of paediatrics specialties that exists. It was created with the main objective to reduce the time required for access to innovative medicines on behalf of the paediatrics population, minimizing the uncertainty and risk of clinical trials and guaranteeing the safety and efficacy of the process.And, according to data from the European Medicines Agency, only 30% of the drugs sold in Europe include authorization and less than 50% of the authorized drugs in children have been properly tested in the child population. This is due in large measure to the high complexity and the requirements of excellence which are needed to make these studies.RECLIP counts not only with the capabilities needed to meet the full spectrum of children's health, but also with a wide experience in clinical and professionals research dedicated exclusively to the field of children's health.In this sense, "within the network, the Vall d'Hebron Hospital is listed as a centre consolidated in Paediatric Clinical trials, with a great ability to attract in the different thematic areas," says Dr. Rodrigo.Paediatric Clinical Trials in numbersSince 2011 and until 2016, the members of the network have participated in more than 1,100 clinical trials, with more than 8,000 paediatrics patients. 75% of these clinical trials have been sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry, while the other 25% corresponds to independent clinical trials. In the same period, RECLIP members have participated in more than 1,600 observational studies and more than 2,500 research projects."With regard to Vall d'Hebron, and through the VHIR, 132 clinical trials have been carried out in the last 10 years, primarily in these areas: Paediatric Neurology, Paediatric Pulmonology, Paediatric Oncology and haematology, paediatrics infectious diseases, Paediatric Nephrology, Paediatric Endocrinology, Paediatric Surgery, Hospital General paediatrics, paediatric Traumatology and Orthopaedics", details the Dr. Carlos Rodrigo.In little more than six months on the road, RECLIP has achieved the endorsement and support of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products, the Spanish Association of Paediatrics and the National Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry. In addition, the network has positioned itself at the same level as other European networks of excellence, fulfilling the requirements and obtaining the highest category awarded by enprEMA, a network of paediatrics clinical research of the European Medicines Agency, which certainly makes it clear and patent the enormous potential of the Spanish Paediatric Clinical Trials Network not only at a national level but also internationally.European regulationThe European Paediatrics regulation, stablished in 2007 has trigger a sharp increase in the number of paediatrics studies carried out in Europe, so in 2015 were registered approximately 750 paediatrics research plans which have given rise to more than 760 clinical trials that require the participation of 210,000 children.Although the European regulation came into force a decade ago, the current structure of paediatric clinical research does not yet have the organization and the support necessary to face this strong increase not only in the number of clinical trials, but also in the complexity of these.That is why Dr. Rodrigo believes that "it was essential to create this network because in the future, in accordance with the new legislation, the State could participate in its own right in Paediatric Clinical trials in Europe and so the the Spanish hospitals can compete with good prospects of success in first level clinical research that are the paediatrics clinical trials".For his part, Dr. Federico Martinón, head of the Paediatric Service of the Hospital Clínic and RECLIP Coordinator, highlights "the need to protect children from inappropriate uses and dose in the medical treatments through clinical trials well designed and with a change in the culture and in the promotion of paediatric research initiatives that have as a main objective the approval of medications with appropriate indications, valid comparisons and dose and security controls."

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