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Vall d’Hebron receives the clinical expertise certification for Immune Minority Diseases, in the field of primary immunodeficiencies



Vall d'Hebron is a reference centre for primary immunodeficiencies, a field of minority immune diseases.

The Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus acquired the clinical expertise accreditation (UEC) for immune minority diseases. This recognition is focused in the field of primary immunodeficiencies (IDP). It's the first open call from Institut Català de la Salut (ICS) to get this recognition in this group of pathologies. Primary ImmunodeficienciesThey are a group of genetic-based illnesses the do generate disfunctions mechanisms related to immunity responses. Patients with IDP do have an increased risk of infections, some with very relevant consequences if not treated properly. They also have an increased infection rate, as well as autoimmune responses, allergy and neoplasia in a frequent way.Val d'Hebron is Catalonia's reference centre for these diseases, as well as being the only one treating both pediatric and adult patients. Dr. Pere Soler, Head of Infectious Pathology and Pediatric Immunodeficiencies (UPIIP), and Head of the Infection in Immunocompromised Paediatric Patients research Group in Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) states that: "this certification endorses this Centre as a treatment reference for all kind of primary immunodeficiencies, thanks to the wide experience, multidisciplinarity and our clinical and research assays performed". VHIR's research in this field is lead by Dr. Pere Soler and its group, as well as the Diagnostic Immunology reserach group led by Dr. Ricardo Pujol.Dr. Manuel Hernández, Head of Immunology Department states that: "This certification truly reflects a lot of effort and hard work with IDP patients, both from the direct adult patient's attendance and the development of a clinical immunology lab. This lab offers a wide range of specific tests to improve diagnosis in these patients".The Hospital also has a primary immunodeficiencies committee, which aims to have a wider and transversal perspective of the treatment, as well as insights of the research being done. Different professionals and specialists, from different knowledge areas do form this expert committee. With the UEC accreditation, Vall d'Hebron owns all the international accreditations for these diseases. It already holds the FOCIS accreditation (Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies) and is the only Spanish centre recognised by the European reference networks ERN-RITA and Jeffrey Modell Foundation as an expert centre for research and diagnosis for IDP.

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