16/12/2024 The Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) has received grants from the Spanish State Research Agency to finance eleven research projects in multiple fields 16/12/2024 The grants, totalling almost three million euros, promote the training of the next generation of research professionals and support the development of new technologies. The Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) promotes scientific and technical research in all areas of knowledge through the efficient allocation of public resources, the promotion of excellence, the encouragement of collaboration between system stakeholders and supporting knowledge generation with a high scientific, technical, economic and social impact. Within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, a total of eleven grants have been awarded to the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) across two calls. The first call falls under the category of Knowledge Generation projects, and the second call falls under the category of Public-Private Collaboration projects. With a total investment of almost 3 million euros, the projects awarded, by category, are as follows: MICINN: R+D+I 2023 Knowledge Generation projects and pre-doctoral research staff training activities These projects seek to improve the national and international leadership capacity of the research teams of public and private non-profit organisations linked to R+D+I. They facilitate the mobility of these teams and promote their participation and success in European and international programmes and projects. The aim is to train new generations of professionals who will acquire the necessary skills for research within top-level research teams. The VHIR projects selected in this call were: CeO2 nanoparticles for metabolic regulation and treatment of oxidative stress and diseases (TRANSCERIA), headed by Dr Víctor Franco Puntes of the Pharmacokinetic Nanoparticles Group. The budget obtained was €187,500.00. Within this same call, Dr Puntes was awarded funding for the training of pre-doctoral research personnel (FPI), with a budget of €125,200.00. Modulation of the intestinal microbiota and the immune system (MICROBIMM), headed by Dr Chaysavanh Manichanh of the Microbiome Research Group. The budget obtained was €237,500.00. Identification of factors regulating the function and stability of the mitochondrial respiratory complex I: exploring new therapeutic opportunities (TARGETCOMPLEX-I), headed by Dr Yolanda Cámara Navarro of the Neuromuscular and Mitochondrial Pathology Group. The budget obtained was €275,000.00. Within this same call, Dr Cámara was awarded funding for the training of pre-doctoral research personnel (FPI), with a budget of €125,200.00. Mechanisms of induction of antiviral resident memory T-cells in the mucosa (MIRAT), led by Dr Meritxell Genescà Ferrer of the Infectious Diseases Group. The budget obtained was €231,250.00. Development of interchangeable rapid tests for the multifaceted monitoring of respiratory infections, headed by Dr Eva Baldrich Rubio of the Diagnostic Nanotools Group (DINA). The budget obtained was €141,875.00. MICIU: Public-Private Collaboration Projects for 2023 The aim of the call for grants for public-private collaboration projects is to support joint experimental development projects between companies and research organisations. The objective is to promote the development of new technologies, the business application of new ideas and techniques and the creation of new products and services. The following projects have been awarded to VHIR: Clinical development of RetSit@, a first-in-class neuroprotective drug for treating the early stages of diabetic retinopathy, headed by Dr Olga Simó of the Diabetes and Metabolism Research Group and coordinated by the company D-Sight S.L. The budget obtained was €602,031.00. Clinical validation of Heecap, a non-invasive electrostimulation system of the respiratory musculature for patients under mechanical ventilation (HEECAP01), headed by Dr Ricard Ferrer of the Shock, Organ Dysfunction and Resuscitation Research Group and coordinated by the company Tesai Care S.L. The budget obtained was €221,996.00. Project on the use of abdominal computed tomography and artificial intelligence to assess body composition and metabolic status in obese people (FLASH study), headed by Dr Andreea Ciudin of the Diabetes and Metabolism Research Group and coordinated by ARTIS Tech Development, S.L. The budget obtained was €431,460.00. Robotic-SNS: Development and Implementation of Value-based Robotic Rehabilitation in the Spanish National Health System (SNS), headed by Dr Lluïsa Montesinos of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Research Group and coordinated by ABLE Human Motion S.L. The budget obtained was €244,995.00. Projects headed by Dr Mario Marotta from Leitat and the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute's Bioengineering, Cell Therapy and Surgery in Congenital Malformations Research Group, in collaboration with the Institute for Research in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Orphan Drugs: Development of an injectable with growth factors and hyaluronic acid for osteoarticular regeneration (PROTICULAR) with Dr Ernesto Melchor Guerra Farfan of the VHIR Locomotor Reconstructive Surgery Group, with a budget of €171,269.00; and Development of a formula with growth factors and hyaluronic acid for the treatment of vaginal atrophy (VAGINEF), with Dr Gloria Fatou of the VHIR's Bioengineering, Cell Therapy and Surgery in Congenital Malformations Group, with a budget of €142,194.00. Next-generation serology: Immune profiling using graphene-enhanced DNA frame sensors (SerDNA), headed by Dr Victor Puntes of the Pharmacokinetic Nanoparticles Research Group and coordinated by GraphenicaLab S.L. The budget obtained was €66,250.00. VHIR spin-offs such as D-Sight, Tesai Care and ARTIS Tech Development have participated extensively in this call. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp