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VHIR activities for the Science Week


Take a look at the activities that our researchers have prepared from the 15th to the 24th of November

Enjoy science! From the 15th to the 24th of November, Catalonia will host several scientific workshops, games, conferences and exhibitions related to statistics, water and Einstein. Scientists from Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) will participate in the "" 18th Science Week with different activities scheduled for everybody. The power of Statistics in MedicineCoinciding with the International Statistics Year, VHIR has prepared the workshop "" 'The Power of Statistics in Medicine'. Statistics is one of the key tools for both biomedical research and epidemiology. Without this discipline, it would be impossible to determine the number of mutations which are in our genes and the number of people affected by any disease. With an interactive workshop, students from the last courses of secondary school and bachelor students will test the last techniques of statistics applied to molecular biology, with an amazing and educational practice. The activity will be carried out the 20 and 22 of November at VHIR facilities, by Dr. Àlex Sánchez, professor from the Statistics Department at Universitat de Barcelona and responsible of the Statistics and Bioinformatics Unit at VHIR.The activity is free but it requires previous registration, by sending an email to Marta Solís ( Series of conferences 'Fem Salut'Prestigious experts in the field of Alzheimer’s Disease, stress, child cancer, diabetes, fobia, nutrition and AIDS will talk about these topics in the First Series of Conferences of Science and Medicine, organized by the Catalan Association for Science Dissemination (ADICC), VHIR and the IRBLleida.Conferences are addressed to all audiences and will take place the 15, 19, 20, 22 and 26 of November in Lleida, and the 18, 21 and 25 of November in Barcelona. VHIR researchers will give the following talks: - Dr. Francisco Guarner, researcher from the Physiology and Pathophysiology of the Digestive Tract group at VHIR, will talk about the bacteria which live in the human microbiota, on November 19th at 7PM in the boardroom of the third floor at the Rectorate building of the Universitat de Lleida. - Dr. Mercè Boada, responsible of the Alzheimer’s group, will explain this disease next 20th of November at 7PM in the boardroom of the second floor at the Rectorate building of the Universitat de Lleida. - Dr. Josep Sánchez de Toledo, responsible of the Translational Research group in Child Cancer, will explain his main research lines and his experience at the forefront of the Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Service at Vall d’Hebron. The event will take place on 26th of November at 6PM in the boardroom of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universitat de Lleida. "" Read the programme hereReports of scienceTV3 through Canal 33, together with BTV and La Xarxa have started to broadcast the series “Càpsules de Ciència”, 40 short reports dedicated to biomedicine and biotechnology, led by Catalan researchers and scientists with links to Catalonia. ADICC has organized these reports that will be posted in "" their webpage, once the televisions had broadcasted them. VHIR researchers who participate in the reports are: - Dr. Guarner will talk about human microbiome and genetics of microbes, from the Gran Hotel la Florida (video available). - Dr. Mercè Boada will talk about Alzheimer’s Disease, from the Frederic Marès Museum. - Dr. Jordi Rello, head of the Clinical Research and Innovation in Pneumonia and Sepsis, will explain the most common infections in intensive care units, from the Born neighborhood. - Dr. Israel Molina, researcher from the Infectious Diseases group, will talk about Chagas Disease, from Pedralbes abbey. - Dr. Victoria Cardona, researcher from the Systemic Diseases group, will present some allergies to food, from the Santa Caterina Market in Barcelona. Scientific reports by FECYTThe Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has produced 50 four-minute reports about important people for the Spanish Science, which will be broadcasted from 11th of November at 4PM in La 2 de Televisión Española. Among the participants, will be "" Dr. Guarner with his research in the human microbiome. The aim of the reports, which will be available at, is to bring important researchers closer to the society.Interview to VHIR's director by La XarxaDr. Joan X. Comella was interviewed in the programme 'L'entrevista', broadcasted by La Xarxa on November 15. VHIR's director stressed the high potential and high level of the Catalan research centers that, according to him, "is incomparable with the rest of Spain". He also explained the recent trip to Israel with the president of Catalonia, Artur Mas, and the managers of the most important Catalan research centers, in order to do some networking and sign agreements with prestigious Jewish centers of excellence. More informationAll the scheduled activities for the Science Week in Catalonia are available "" on this link. This 18th edition will be focused in the International Statistics Year, the International Year of Water Cooperation and the 90th anniversary of the visit of Albert Einstein to Catalonia. The Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation organized this new edition, in which more than a hundred entities are going to participate.

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