18/01/2012 VHIR and CRG to collaborate in basic and clinical research projects 18/01/2012 The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) have signed an agreement for the development of collaborative projects in basic and clinical research. One of the proposed focuses is research on rare genetic diseases.The agreement, signed by the directors of the two institutions, Luis Serrano (CRG) and Joan X. Comella (VHIR), lasts one year but is renewable, and aims to encourage an alliance between clinical and basic researchers with the objective of bringing the discoveries of basic research closer to the clinical needs and, in the opposite sense, allow clinical researchers to experience firsthand the challenges, advances and possibilities of fundamental research. The final goal is the translation of all of this knowledge into practice. Identification of the current clinical needs of medical centres is vitally important for the partnership between the basic and clinical fields. "http://www.vhir.org/global/pdf/fotos/Presentacions/index.html" VHIR's researchers presentations The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) have signed an agreement for the development of collaborative projects in basic and clinical research. One of the proposed focuses is research on rare genetic diseases.The agreement, signed by the directors of the two institutions, Luis Serrano (CRG) and Joan X. Comella (VHIR), lasts one year but is renewable, and aims to encourage an alliance between clinical and basic researchers with the objective of bringing the discoveries of basic research closer to the clinical needs and, in the opposite sense, allow clinical researchers to experience firsthand the challenges, advances and possibilities of fundamental research. The final goal is the translation of all of this knowledge into practice. Identification of the current clinical needs of medical centres is vitally important for the partnership between the basic and clinical fields. "http://www.vhir.org/global/pdf/fotos/Presentacions/index.html" VHIR's researchers presentations Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp