10/01/2011 VHIR chats with Diario Médico readers 10/01/2011 Dr. Joan X. Comella participated on 13 January in a chat with the readers of the journal Diario Médico. The director of Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) answered questions about translational medical research: from the hospital bed to the lab and from the lab back to the hospital bed. "http://www.diariomedico.com/opinion-participacion/encuentros-digitales/joan-x-comella-carnice-" Read here the chat with Diario Médico Dr. Joan X. Comella participated on 13 January in a chat with the readers of the journal Diario Médico. The director of Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) answered questions about translational medical research: from the hospital bed to the lab and from the lab back to the hospital bed. "http://www.diariomedico.com/opinion-participacion/encuentros-digitales/joan-x-comella-carnice-" Read here the chat with Diario Médico Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp