07/04/2015 VHIR hosts a strategic workshop to implement personalized medicine in Europe 07/04/2015 The Instituto de Salud Carlos III leads a workshop of the PerMed European Project Members of the PerMed European Project, called "http://www.permed2020.eu/index.php" “Personalized Medicine 2020 and beyond – Preparing Europe for leading the global way”, joined at Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) to agree and finish the strategic research and innovation agenda to bring forward the implementation of personalized medicine for the benefit of society. VHIR is represented by the "http://www.isciii.es/" Instituto de Salud Carlos III, who leads the agenda’s work package.Personalized medicine has become an international priority and one of the most important issues of Horizon 2020, the programme of the European Comission. 27 international entities in the field of biomedical research participate in PerMed with the aim to develop the strategic agenda, implement the personalized medicine and complement existing activities by identifying and promoting promising research topics. The publication of the strategic research and innovation agenda is expected before summer. The agenda will suggest common activities and potential joint funding in relevant areas of personalized medicine research. The proposed implementation plan will point out priorities and recommend instruments and timelines for future European research policies. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp