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VHIR inaugurates the Master's Degree in Translational Biomedical Research



6 students have received grants sponsored by Banco Santander, Pfizer, Promax, Fenin and the VHIR

This Friday, October 10, the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) has celebrated the opening day of the first edition of the "" Official Master’s Degree in Translational Biomedical Research. In the ceremony, a representative of Banco Santander, Pfizer, Promax, Fenin and the VHIR have given the 6 sponsored grants that will cover the full cost of registration to the students with the best qualifications. VHIR’s Director, Dr. Joan Comella, has transmitted to the 37 students enrolled in the master the passion, enthusiasm and illusion put by the researchers in the program, researchers that will train them in their specialties, as teachers of the master.The co-coordinator of the master, Dr. Anna Meseguer, has explained the details of the program that she has designed together with Dr. Francina Munell, with the aim of training researchers of excellence that will be able to contribute to the success of translational biomedical research in the future. The master is directed to a scientific career, gives access to the doctorate program, and offers the students the possibility of choosing an area in the biomedicine field in which to study and do their internships. At the ceremony were also present the Vice-Rector of Strategic Projects and Planification at UAB, Dr. Lluís Tort, the Assistencial Director at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Dr. Jaume Roigé, and the Teaching Director at the Hospital, Dr. M. Josep Cerqueira.

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