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VHIR leads a project that searchs biomarkers to detect prematurely ovarian cancer



The project will also use all the resources to determine biomarkers of response to the chemotherapy.

The Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational and Pediatric Oncology at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) and Transbiomed, the first company constituted as spin-off of VHIR, begin the first project for the detection of diagnoses biomarkers of ovarian cancer. This gynaecological tumor is the most lethal, due to the nonexistence of a clear clinical presentation (signs and symptoms) and of a system of sifted. This means that it is a tumor with many difficulties of precocious diagnosis, due to the lack of a test enough efficient to detect it in initial phases. Apart from diagnostic biomarkers, the project will also use all the resources to determine biomarkers of response to the chemotherapy.Transbiomed proposes to use its experience in the identification of diagnoses biomarkers with the aim to improve the precocious detection and control of the current therapy of ovarian cancer. "In this project it is foreseen to work with technologies of massive extraction of genomic information, to identify molecular biomarkers (mRNA) that indicate ovarian cancer or response to chemotherapy. To obtain this information will be used samples of inhaled uterine and saliva, with the advantage that it's a a minimally invasive method, in case of the inhaled one, and not invasive, in case of the saliva", says Dr. Marta Llauradó, head of the project.

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