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VHIR obtains more than 1.3 million euros in grants from PERIS



It will be used to carry out 3 research projects in mental health, the intensification of 5 physicians and 1 nurse and the incorporation of 7 of scientists and technologists.

obtained grants from the Strategic Plan of Research and Innovation in Health (PERIS) granted by the Department of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia. This second call was directed to the field of mental health.In total, Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus has been awarded more than 1.6 million euros in grants, of which 1,363,641.48 euros correspond to VHIR and will be used to carry out 3 mental health research projects (two as coordinators and one as participant), the intensification of 5 doctors and one nurse, as well as the incorporation of 7 scientists and technologists. In addition, the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) will receive 3 PERIS grants for a total amount of 319,115.5 euros for the intensification of 2 specialist doctors and the incorporation of 1 scientist. 350 proposals were submitted to this second call for proposals, which were evaluated by a group of some 40 independent experts under the coordination of the Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Evaluation (Aqua). From these proposals, a total of 109 have finally been selected for their level of excellence. The PERIS grants have been distributed in 3 main areas of action: The intensification of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Physician professionals, with the aim of enhancing their dedication to research in hospitals and primary care centres. The intensification of facultative specialists has been one of the innovations in this second call for proposals, as well as physical therapy professionals. In this area of action, VHIR will intensify 5 professionals from the research groups in Infectious Diseases, Maternal and Foetal Medicine, Headache and Neurological Pain, Digestive and Hepatic Diseases and Vascular Biology and Metabolism (VAM).The incorporation of scientists and technologists into the research groups of health research institutes. In this field, 7 candidates proposed by VHIR have been selected to join the following research groups: Neurodegenerative Diseases (2), CIBBIM-Nanomedicine Pharmacological Direction and Release (2), Neurovascular Diseases, Diabetes and Metabolism and CIBBIM-Nanomedicine Biomedical Research in Digestive System Tumours. And, thirdly, and also as a novelty of this call, PERIS aid for multicentre research projects oriented to the field of mental health, with the aim of applying scientific knowledge to the improvement in the prevention, diagnosis and the treatment of diseases in this area. Two projects have been granted at VHIR as beneficiary entity, and responsible for coordinating the other participating centres. On the one hand, it coordinates the project "Neurodevelopment disorders, school failure and behavioural alterations in adolescence: a prospective and territorial modelling study of two groups of ESO students in Mallorca" with Dr. Sergi Valero Ventura as the principal investigator. And on the other hand, "Microbiota and genetic factors (Epi) in neurodevelopmental disorders: ADHD and Autism throughout life in Catalonia (MENTAL-Cat)" with Dr. Marta Ribasés Haro as principal investigator. The two researchers belong to the Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addictions research group at VHIR. The total amount granted for the two projects is 350,000 euros, distributed over three years. In addition, VHIR also participates in another research project coordinated by the University Institute of Primary Care Research (IDIAP Jordi Gol). For its part, VHIO has been granted a total of 3 PERIS grants for the intensification of 2 specialist physicians: one for the Breast Cancer group and the other for the Experimental Haematology group, in addition to the incorporation of a scientist, for the study of gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST). PERIS 2016-2020The Strategic Plan for Research and Innovation in Health (PERIS) 2016-2020 is a planning and coordination tool that establishes the general lines of research and innovation in health matters promoted by the Government of the Generalitat through the Department of Health. Its purpose is to improve the health of citizens from the knowledge generated by research and innovation. The amount of aid granted in this call for proposals for the period 2018-2020 is 8.6 million euros. Every euro invested in research is equivalent to a return of three euros in social and economic value. In addition, PERIS considers the challenge of consolidating and increasing the international leadership of the health research centres of Catalonia.

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