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VHIR participates in activities for the International Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day



Scheduled acts include a charity auction and concert and the 2015 CFS/ME Recent Advances Meeting

The 12th of May, has been designated as the International Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Encephalomyelitis Myalgic (CFS/ME) Awareness Day. The Chronic Fatigue Research Group at Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), led by Dr José Alegre, is organizing a series of events in order to raise funds for CFS/ME research. With the same objective, the Foundation of patients affected by Fibromyalgia and CFS/ME and the IrsiCaixa Foundation have prepared a fundraising auction that will take place this Tuesday at 5:30 PM at the Pedrera’s Auditorium in Barcelona.2015 CFS/ME Advances Day Dr José Alegre coordinates again these sessions that will be held on the 13th of May at the Pabelló Docent Auditorium at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital, from 11 AM to 7 PM. The sessions are aimed to professionals, administration, associations and foundations of patients affected by Fibromyalgia, CFS/ME and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and have the objective to insight into the last advances in these conditions. The topics that will be discussed are research on exercise intolerance, study of the autonomic dysfunction and the impact of the comorbidity in the CFS/ME. VHIR’s SeminarDr. Zoe M. Gotts, of the Newcastle Fatigue Research Centre, U.K. will present the seminar "" “Sleeping through fatigue”, on the 14th of May at 3:30 PM in the Conference Room on the ground floor at the General Area of Vall d’Hebron Hospital. The researcher will share last research in sleeping disorders in CFS/ME patients, which her group has been carrying out in recent years. Charity ConcertLa Contemporània will celebrate its 20th birthday on the 14th of May at 9PM doing a charity concert in the Pabelló Docent at Vall d’Hebron Hospital. The concert, called “Vint Tocats”, will go over the copla’s history, presenting funny proposals. The tickets will be offered for sale the same day in the place of the concert, and will cost 10 Euros. It is recommended not wearing any kind of cologne or perfumes to respect patients affected by multiple chemical sensitivity. "" Charity Art AuctionOn the 12th of May, at the Pedrera’s Auditorium, there will be a charity art auction where sculptures, pictures, books and craft, donated by more than 60 artists, will be offered. On the website "" you can visit the virtual exhibition and make bids and donations. The funds will be allocated for the research in Fibromyalgia and CFS/ME, where Dr Jose Alegre and Dr Jesus Castro, from VHIR, collaborate.

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