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VHIR participates in the first kick off meeting of the Immune-Image consortium



The 22 Immune-Image partners will develop and implement tools, methods and protocols that will allow obtaining detailed information on the patients' immune response.

Last January, the initial meeting of the Immune-Image consortium was held, which is part of Dr. José Raul Herance, co-head of the Molecular Medical Imaging group of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). The consortium members met in Amsterdam to officially start the project, which will investigate new radiopharmaceuticals for the study of immune cells in ulcerative colitis and cancer. The initial meeting, organized by Bert Windhorst, coordinator of the Image-Immune project, was the first meeting of all partners to share knowledge, discuss the work plan for the coming years and align the synergies of the partners to successfully achieve the objectives from Immune-Image.The kick-off meeting was a great success, with two days full of stimulating scientific discussions and time to get to know each other. During the first day, all organisations presented in front of the rest of participants, with special focus on their contributions and potential collaborations within Immune-Image. In the afternoon, we visited the brand new VUmc Imaging Center, a unique center that will be extensively used during Immune-Image. At the end of the day, all partners headed to the centre of Amsterdam to enjoy a fantastic dinner and a team activity. We all had a lot of fun!During the second day, there were presentations from all the work packages to define scientific plans, working procedures and collaborations to achieve the scope of the project: generating a sustainable and flexible platform for immune cell imaging.After these two fruitful days, all Immune-Image partners will now focus on progressing their tasks and cooperate regularly within and beyond their work packages. The 22 organisations of Immune-Image will develop and implement tools, methods and protocols that will allow to obtain detailed information of patients' immune response, enabling personalized immunotherapies with the selection of the right treatment for the right patient and the right time.

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