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VHIR raises 7,000 euros within the first months of 'Yo Investigo'



In an interview to Europa Press, the director of the Institute talks about the launch of the microfundraising site

The initiative of microfundraising of Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), Yo Investigo, has raised 7,000 euros since the launch of the campaign on May. In an interview published in "" Europa Press, the director of the Institute, Dr. Joan X. Comella, stresses the importance of these donations which are mainly from 10 to 50 euros. "The concept is that you are a friend of VHIR’s research and your contribution opens de the door to new investigations that we couldn’t do with the usual funding resources", highlights Dr. Comella, who also remarks to the news agency that this campaign is not related to the cuts of the Spanish and Catalan government. The website 'Yo Investigo' offers the possibility of supporting every minute of the biomedical research done at Vall d’Hebron, which has been estimated in 11 euros per minute. Everybody interested can contribute in several ways: it is possible to become a 'VHIR's friend' with a regular donation to the Institute or to a particular research group or doctor, to make a single donation, to leave a supportive legacy, or to collaborate with your time, organizing fundraising activities to support biomedical research and improve healthcare. On the other hand, VHIR’s director also explains in the same interview that the Institute aims at finding higher private funds to build a new center for research to replace Mediterrania’s Building, which was constructed more than 30 years ago as a storehouse. The new building would cost between 15 and 17 million euros.

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