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VHIR receives almost € 700.000€ from La Marató 2018 for two research projects in pediatric oncology



The projects of Dr. Soledad Gallego and Dr. Josep Roma has been awarded for his excellence in research and the funding granted will allow them to improve the treatments and the quality of life of the children.

Vall d'Hebron received a total of 3.136.459 euros from the TV3's 'La Marató' of 2018, dedicated to cancer, to fund 10 research projects. Two of them are researchers from the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) and the remaining eight of the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO).In the 2018 edition, a total of 192 projects were presented, which were evaluated by 149 international scientists specialized in this field based on their quality, methodology and relevance. The management of the evaluation was carried out by the Health and Quality Assessment Agency of Catalonia, from the Department of Health. In total, the La Marató Foundation of TV3 has distributed 13.149.870,76 euros among 43 leading scientific research projects.Dra. Soledad Gallego, head of the Translational Research Group on Cancer in Children and Adolescents of VHIR, received euros 399.080,84 for the project 'Evaluating the effectiveness of precision therapies aimed at recurrent genetic alterations in malignant tumors of the sheath of the peripheral nerve ".To the Dr. Josep Roma, the main researcher of the same group, has awarded euros 295.000 for the project 'The liquid biopsy in pediatric warts: deciphering the predictive potential of circulating tumor DNA and tumor exosomes for early detection of relapses'.Both researchers have been awarded for their excellence in research and the funding granted will allow them to improve the treatments and the quality of life of children with cancer.

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