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VHIR talks about research on child cancer at the Live Research Fair



The event takes place at CosmoCaixa from the 8th to the 11th of April

Which are the differences of cancer during childhood and adulthood? Why does it take so long for the approval of new drugs? Are there any clinical trials for child cancer? These are some of the questions that the members of the "" Translational Research in Child and Adolescent Cancer group at VHIR have answered to the students that have visited the Ágora room at the CosmoCaixa. The museum hosts from the 8th to the 11th of April the 13th edition of the "" Live Research Fair, in which participate 12 Catalan research groups.At Vall d’Hebron’s stand, researchers have 3 posters in which answer some of these questions and describe the experiment that have moved from the laboratory to the fair: a cell proliferation and viability essay. In this experiment, students will test the effect of some drugs, using a simple and quick method, and check its efficacy through the microscope granted by "" Izasa Scientific.The fair is organized by the "" Parc Científic de Barcelona, with the support of "" Obra Social “la Caixa” and the "" Barcelona city council. The aim of the event is to bring science to society and promote scientific vocations among young people. "" Posters

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