27/05/2015 VHIR trains science teachers in hepatitis B and C virus 27/05/2015 Dr. Josep Quer and Dr. Francisco Rodríguez-Frías led the lessons, in the framework of the Teachers and Science programme 10 science teachers from several Catalan high-schools participated in the course "http://www.professorsiciencia.com/index.php?action=mostrar_curso&curso=102" “The hepatitis B and C virus: prevention, knowledge and innovations in the treatments”, organized by doctors Josep Quer and Francisco Rodríguez-Frías, researchers from the Hepatic Diseases at Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), in the framework of the Teachers and Science programme by the "http://www.fundaciocatalunya-lapedrera.com/ca/home" Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation.The duration of the course was 12 hours in which researchers introduced the main concepts of virology: which is the vital cycle of the virus, the routes of transmission, the risk of infection depending on the habits, the new methods of study based on massive sequencing techniques and the latest advances on research in this field. Besides the theory, Dr. Quer presented to them two educational games, that he designed together with the "sevirologia.es" Spanish Society of Virology, in order to translate to the schools the knowledge about these virus: one of the games is called "http://www.interbionet.com/viropolis/juego/" Virópolis, and it is available online, and the other one, Epidemia vir(TU)al, will be available soon as a mobile app. Teachers also visited the clinical labs of Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, where everyday nearly 6,000 blood samples from all Barcelona are analyzed. Nowadays, more than half of the deaths by infections worldwide are caused by the hepatitis virus, specifically the type C. The climate change and the aggressions to the ecology, as well as the geographical location of Spain put us in a zone of risk of viral emerging or re-emerging diseases. According to the World Health Organization, viral diseases are the cause of 2/3 of the medical consultations by infectious processes. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp