23/12/2014 VHIR's director talks to the media about the past, present and future of the Institute 23/12/2014 Dr. Comella explains in different interviews the keys of the centre in its 20th anniversary VHIR's Director, Dr. Joan Comella, was interviewed in several media to talk about the present, past and future of Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), coinciding with its "http://www.vhir.org/salapremsa/mitjans/mitjans_detall.asp?any=2014&num=238&mv1=5&mv2=1&Idioma=en" 20th anniversary. Dr. Comella remembered the first years of research at Vall d'Hebron Campus, with all the problems and the illusion of those years, but also the hard work of all of the researchers and doctors that helped to begin the Institute. He also talked about the present, the good results and the best strategies to keep improving in the future. "We can only ask the researchers to be good doing research, not to be heroes", he reported to the journal " "http://www.vhir.org/global/pdf/noticies/comella%20ara.pdf" Ara, highlighting that one of the functions of the Institute is to make all the work to help the researchers, so they only should do science. In the same interview, Dr. Comella confessed that "being the Director of the Institute is the best of my professional career", and showed his optimism regarding the potential of VHIR in the future.Dr. Comella was also interviewed in "http://www.8tv.cat/8aldia/programes/8-al-dia-21-de-novembre-del-2014/" 8TV and "http://www.btv.cat/btvnoticies/2014/12/29/vall-hebron-investigacio-recerca/" BTV, together with VHIR researchers such as Dr. Simó Schwartz, first director of research at Vall d'Hebron, and Dr. Rafael Simó, president of the VHIR's Internal Scientific Council. Dr. Anna Meseguer, deputy director of basic and translational research at VHIR, also talked about the 20th anniversary of the centre, in this case in the "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmGL2BylQlY" webpage of the Barcelona city council. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp