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VHIR's Innovation Contest arrives to other research centers of Catalonia



In this second edition can also participate other hospitals and research centers of Catalonia

Today March 12 has been opened the "" 2nd Innovation Contest. In this editiion the great news is that, "" after the success of the first edition, there will be participants from Hospitals and research centers belonging to ICS, Hospital research centers of Catalonia accredited by ISCIII and Hospital research centers of Catalonia that are part of ITEMAS.Organized by VHIR in collaboration with ACC10 and ROCHE Diagnostics, the contest aims to promote the innovation that comes from hospitals and their associated research centres. With this initiative we aim to raise awareness about health innovation projects, in order to attract investors and companies. At the same time we support the projects in the first stages, where we will assess the technical viability and the market. In addition, we want to award the professionals for their innovation capacity.VHIR's Director, Dr. Joan Comella, opened the contest highlighting that "it's a unique opportunity for doctors and researchers to innovate in their field, thanks to the companys and first level tutors that will help us in this experience." He thanked the technical committee, the team of tutors and teachers for supporting this second edition. The Head of Projects and Innovation of Roche Diagnostics, Dr. Carlos Manchado, has explained why they bet for this contest, which, according to the Innovation Director at the Institute of Catalan Health (ICS), Dr. Navas, "is a model that ICS wants to estimulate". Furthermore, the Manager of Technology Transfer of ACCIÓ, Ana Simon, said that "VHIR is a reference in innovation and for this reason ACCIO encourages all the Catalan hospitals and research projects to participate." Dr. Gabriel Capellà, who presided the event as responsible for research and innovation at the Catalan Health Department, also encouraged the public institutions to bet for the innovation, as VHIR does. Closing the opening, Montserrat Llinàs presented the situation of the project 'Automatización de lavoados vesicales contínuos', awarded in the first edition of the contest. She was presented by Maria Ángeles Barba, head of Nursing at Vall d'Hebron. Angel Alonso, general manager of Vecmedical, explained why and how this company is helping this project as an industrial partner.HOW TO APPLYAll the participants can apply until 12th April with these conditions: Research projects with an industrial interest that culminate in the development of a prototype, Research projects with an industrial interest that culminate with a pre-clinical trial, Research that can include patents or development with companies, Ideas derived from care practices that create relevant solutions to society problems, Ideas, inventions and innovative actions which have been realised in hospitals (improvements in the available tools, in the processes, in the medical care, organizational structures,...).Projects that have already been transferred or involve companies that are going to license the project, are not allowed to apply.On May 5 there will be a Finalists’ announcement and then will begin a procedure of information, training and viability report that will finish with the final decision and the presentation awards on July 10.Finalists will receive training which will both guide their projects, and instruct them in specific aspects of knowledge transfer.Experts are consultancies and/or agents without any relation with VHIR.The Honorary jury is composed by: Departament de Salut and Departament d'Economia i Coneixement of the Catalan Government, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron (HUVH), Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), Banc de Sang i Teixits and CERCA.There are two prize categories, one for the results derived from biomedical research and another one for results derived from medical care, with 5.000 and 2.500 euros for the first and second of each respectively. Hi haurà dues categories de premis, una per la dels resultats derivats de la recerca biomèdica, i altra per la dels derivats de la pràctica assistencial, amb 5.000 i 2.500 euros respectivament pel primer i segon de cadascuna. In addition to cash prizes, the projects will have access to the following programs, in case they meet the conditions and requirements: Advising programs including TEA MAP and EMPENTA from ACC10, the second part of the Valortec competition from ACC10 and Bioentrepreneur program from ´la Caixa’.

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