23/11/2010 VHIR’s research helps to identify, treat and prevent problems associated with implants 23/11/2010 Although the number of cases is minimal, 1 or 2%, subcutaneous implants can cause a delayed reaction. To avoid these cases, the Spanish Society of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery (SEMCC) asked Dr. Jaume Alijotas, group leader of basic research on aging, biomaterials and nanotechnology at VHIR, to study the problematic cases in order to identify, treat and try to prevent them. As a result of this research now they are ready to develop a test to identify who has a genetic predisposition to complications. Although the number of cases is minimal, 1 or 2%, subcutaneous implants can cause a delayed reaction. To avoid these cases, the Spanish Society of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery (SEMCC) asked Dr. Jaume Alijotas, group leader of basic research on aging, biomaterials and nanotechnology at VHIR, to study the problematic cases in order to identify, treat and try to prevent them. As a result of this research now they are ready to develop a test to identify who has a genetic predisposition to complications. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp