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We have more than 1,000 Friends of Vall d'Hebron research



Three of our 'Friends' explain us why they support our research

Thank you very much on behalf of the researchers of the VHIR and, particularly, of the 5 young researchers who are enjoying a grant to do research thanks to the generosity of Vall d’Hebron’s Friends. We are celebrating that have reached more than 1,000 Friends!2 years ago, we embarked on the adventure of looking for the first Friends with the creation of the Fundraising Unit. We knew that patients, families and people aware of the importance of research wanted to help us to do research in order to heal diseases, but they didn’t know how to do it regularly. For that reason and to channel the donations we had been receiving it was created the website  "" ( "" in Spanish).“Before being a Friend of Vall d’Hebron I had been in solidarity with other causes but never with the research. Now I’m very happy because I’m helping the research to advance and these young researchers to have an opportunity”, said Guadalupe, a retired teacher who encourages her former students to do internships at VHIR.The new website opened the door to the society to collaborate with every minute of biomedical research we do in Vall d’Hebron through four ways: as a "" Friend of Vall d’Hebron, doing a periodical donation for the Institute or for a specific research group, as a donator, doing a "" punctual donation, as a donator of a "" charity legacy, or organizing a charity event to raise funds to improve health of the present and the future. At the same time, we started with informative campaigns in the Hospital facilities to have new Friends, what have brought us the opportunity to arrive to many people aware of the importance of research to find the way to heal diseases.“A few years ago they offered me the possibility of participating in a clinical trial at Vall d’Hebron related to a heart disease I have. I accepted because I wanted to collaborate wand help them to investigate my disease in the laboratories”, tells us José Luis, another altruistic Friend of Vall d’Hebron. In his case, he has helped the research through two different ways: as a Friend and as a patient participating in a clinical trial.After these months we have achieved the implication of more than 1,000 Friends of Vall d’Hebron. With their periodical donations to the Institute they fund three years of predoctoral research for 5 young researchers. These investigators are:   "" Casandra, Luz, "" Marina, Yoelsis and Marina, who work to develop bioinformatic tools and advance in the treatments of pediatric cancer, eosinophilic esophagitis, larynx cancer and stroke respectively.“I think our contribution is important because authorities don’t put their effort to promote well prepared young people investigate in our country. For that reason and while my retired pension allows it, I’ll continue being a Friend of Vall d’Hebron and animating my former science students to go to VHIR, where there are real opportunities for the young people”, insists Guadalupe. José Luís told us how he decided to help us. “One of the days I had been in a visit with my doctor I found a girl who offered me the possibility of collaborating with Vall d’Hebron economically and I didn’t think it twice. I want to help these young people to work as a scientist here in Spain. I have experienced in first person the good job they do in their laboratories and that’s why I think these grants must continue”.Among Friends, there are also people like Maria Pilar, who works in the health field. She is a family doctor in a Primary Health Care Centre in Barcelona, and some years ago she worked for Vall d’Hebron University Hospital. “Due to my job profile I am very conscientious of the needs of the public health and I think that research is one of the pillars that our society needs. I’m a Friend of Vall d’Hebron because I am convinced that the future is in the hands of the young people: their thrust, illusion and dedication to work will make us advance”Guadalupe, José Luís and Maria Pilar had the opportunity, with other Friends of VHIR, to "" visit the laboratories where the two first granted researchers (Luz and Casandra) work. "" If you want to join to this group of people generous with biomedical research, you can become a Friend of Vall d’Hebron "" filling this form or contacting the Fundraise Unite ( or  93 489 30 00 ext. 4931).

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