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We open the exhibition of scientific photography "And what do you see?"



The exhibition collects the scientific photographs of the twelve finalists of the photographic competition that we organized last year among our professionals.

From the 8th to the 17th of November, the 24th Science Week organized by the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation is celebrated. In the framework of the Week, in Vall d'Hebron we have opened the exhibition entitled "And what do you see?", which collects the scientific photographs of the twelve finalists of the photographic competition that we organized last year among our professionals.In this annual competition, which we have organized for the last nine years, all Vall d'Hebron staff can send their scientific photographs. The competition aims to present not only the research of our professionals, but the beauty, plasticity and uniqueness of images, parallelism and synergies between science, art and creativity.On this occasion, we would like to share the twelve finalist photos of the 2018 competition with all the citizens and for this reason we have created this exhibition, which will be located in the lobby of the General Hospital from today until November 22.In addition, with the exhibition we have launched a participatory process so that all visitors can tell what the scientific images of our professionals suggest to you. That's why we invite you to play and share it with everyone. You can do this by photographing the image, by going to the social networks by mentioning us ( @vallhebron), adding the tag #SC19CAT and writing briefly what the scientific image suggests. You can also write your comments on a ticket that you will find in the exhibition and leave them in the mailbox that will be enabled for the occasion.More information on the 24th Science Week at this link.

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