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A work to improve desensitization to chemotherapy, awarded at the SCAIC Congress



The Congress of the Catalan Society of Alergology and Clinical Immunology has awarded the work of Dr. Anna Sala, researcher of the Research Group on Systemic Diseases.

The Congress of the Catalan Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (SCAIC), held on 27 May, awarded, in three occasions, the work of the professionals of the Allergy section of the Service of Internal Medicine and the Paediatric Allergy Unit of Vall d'Hebron. Three works presented by professionals and doctors-in-training were awarded for the papers presented at the meeting.Improve the desensitization to chemotherapyDr. Anna Sala, Allergy specialist and a researcher of the Systemic Diseases research group of VHIR, won the award for the best oral communication thanks to the work Safe and effective desensitizing protocol in chemotherapy and without premedicació. It analyzes the new protocol introduced in Vall d'Hebron to treat patients with allergy to their chemotherapy treatment, through the 166 desensitizations carried out successfully so far. The joint work between the Allergy section, nursing and Pharmacy and Oncology services, has allowed us to create a circuit for carrying them out without additional premedication, an issue that in polymedicated patients like these is sometimes complicated.An alternative to treat vernal keratoconjunctivitisThe work of Dr. Mónica González, resident of 4th year of Allergy, on the vernal keratoconjunctivitis in the paediatric population also received recognition for the best oral communication. In this case, it was studied, thanks to the collaboration between the Unit of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Paediatric Allergy Unit of the Hospital, the response to treatment with topical Tacrolimus of patients affected by this disease and who had no response to conventional treatment. This disease can cause serious consequences in the eyes.Skin sensitivity test and the eosinophilic esophagitisDr. Paula Galván, resident of 3rd year in the Allergy Teaching Unit of Vall d'Hebron, won the Merck award for the best scientific contribution made during course 2016-2017 for resident doctors of Allergy for her work on the utility of the cutaneous sensitivity tests in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis. The study has shown that they are only useful in a small minority of patients, since the mechanisms that trigger this disease, an inflammation of the oesophagus caused by an excess of leucocytes eosinophils, are not the same as in the conventional allergy. This work was awarded the prize for the best abstract and poster presented at the meeting about this pathology of the Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology held in Rotterdam last March.

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