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World experts in endoscopic surgery meet in Vall d'Hebron



WIDER organizes a discussion forum about advanced translumenal and endoscopic surgery

The World Institute for Digestive Endoscopy Research (WIDER-BCN) from Hospital Universitary Vall d'Hebron has organized a two day International Course: Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopy Surgery (NOTES) dedicated to transluminal endoscopy trough natural orifices. Over 130 doctors, surgeons and researchers from all over the globe participated in this 8th edition, directed by WIDER's leader, Dr. José Ramón Armengol, and Doctors Manuel Armengol and Antonio J. Torres García. The meeting has become the world's most outstanding forum about advanced endoscopic and transluminal surgery.WIDER center was created in 2008, as an agreement between Generalitat de Catalunya, Obra Social "la Caixa", Vall d'Hebron Universitary Hospital and VHIR to encourage and promote research in endoscopic surgery and implement a specific and autonomous program inside VHIR's structure for this area. Specifically, research in endoscopic and surgery technology, experimental endoscopic research using NOTES methodology, clinical innovation research and training in medical-surgical digestive endoscopy in the different specialties. WIDER institute, which is led by Dr. José Ramon Armengol, aims to clinical application, animal experimentation and national and international diffusion of their activities. One of these activities is the NOTES Course that in its 8th edition offered presentations about simulations such as Single port access, NOTES experimental, NOTES clinic, NOTES applied to obesity and transrenal surgery. In endoluminal endoscopy new diagnostic alternatives were presented in bilipancreatic diseases, and in endomulnial therapeutic specialty Poem's new techniques with Acalasia treatment and new techniques in tumor resection.In this edition two surgeries were broadcasted, one of them from the clinical side, endoscopy, Acalasia patients and tumoral and polypoid deformation of the digestive tract. The other video was broadcasted from VHIR's 'Animal Facility', very sophisticated bile and pancreatic drainage interventions using ecoendoscopy. All the patients who were operated have evolved without complications and were sent home (4 acalaseis, 6 resections and sewing of the gastric and colonic wounds).The course's first night a dinner-symposium was thrown in CosmoCaixa, presided by the Health Consellery representative, Joaquim Casanova, and La Caixa's representative, Enric Banda. In this event two endoscopy experts, Kiyokazu Nakajima and Sergey Kantsevoy, spoke about non-sedated colonoscopy and automatic use of CO2 in endoluminal surgery and esdoscopy.

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