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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

A study from the Vall d’Hebron Campus demonstrates that the Ex Vivo C5b-9 deposition test is useful for monitoring the activity of the complement system (CS) in patients with aHUS or transplant-associated TMA.

An international study involving the Hospital del Mar Research Institute and VHIR shows that there are substantial differences between men and women in the energy metabolism of of renal tubular cells.

Dr. Conxita Jacobs' research has been awarded in the clinical project category, while Dr. Anna Meseguer's research has been recognised in the basic research category.

This initiative of the ”la Caixa” Foundation offers the selected entrepreneurial scientists financial support and support through individual mentoring and training.

The Kidney Transplantation Unit of Vall d'Hebron Hospital was the first European center to include patients in the post-authorization efficacy study, the step prior to approval by the European Medicines Agency.

Vall d'Hebron has announced a research collaboration with Pure Transplant Solutions, LLC (PTS) led by Dr. Oriol Bestard, head of the Nephrology and Kidney Transplant group at VHIR.

Dels 117 pacients trasplantats d’òrgan sòlid infectats per SARS-CoV-2 en els vuit mesos que comprèn l’estudi (de novembre a juny de 2021), un 88% van infectar-se en el període prevacunació (103 pacients, que van contreure COVID-19 de novembre a març).

This new method, developed by the Nephrology and Renal Transplantation group of VHIR, will facilitate the collection of urine and feces samples from animals in biomedical research.

The grant will allow to carry out a validation study of a digital tool for monitoring patients with advanced diabetic kidney disease.