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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

A group of researchers from Vall d’Hebron Research, IDIBELL and UB has identified a molecule involved in bone metastasis associated with prostate cancer that could be useful in the design of new therapies for its treatment.

Researchers have detected for the first time that people with type 2 diabetes who have insulin resistance in the myocardium have structural alterations of the heart and more calcifications in the coronary arteries that increase their risk of cardiovascular disease.

Funded by the Horizon Europe programme, RBDCOV will test the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of the vaccine against the different variants of COVID-19 using a recombinant protein.

Dr. Lucas Moreno and Dr. Constantino Sábado, researchers of the Translational Research Group in Childhood and Adolescent Cancer, are two of the leaders of the international study.

The project "I have PID. I'm an adult and I'm not alone" offers telematic sessions to improve the emotional well-being of adult patients with this type of disease.

The system can rapidly identify viral targets and the expression of viral entry factors, as well as detect inhibitors of viral entry into cells and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Identifying the common pathologies and molecular mechanisms involved in retinal and brain neurodegeneration could open up new opportunities in preventing type 2 diabetes-related cognitive impairment.

The pre-enrollment period for the 2022-2023 academic year of the Master in Translational Biomedical Research at VHIR will be open from January 10 to September 5, 2022, or until all places are filled.

The project COCREA SASI. Co creation for the promotion of affective-sexual health from an intercultural perspective has won the award for Best Research Paper.

The Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) has awarded with this prestigious recognition Dr. Pellisé's team for the study on the similarity of the adverse effects of surgeries both in elderly patients and in the general adult population.

The study shows the therapeutic effect of a new drug called 4SC-205 in new mouse neuroblastoma models, where it is effective in reducing the growth of the tumour.

This year, the Vall d'Hebron team has participated in the publication of three articles to understand the 2016 enterovirus A71 (EV-A71) outbreak in Catalonia and the follow-up of non-polio enteroviruses today.

L'estudi ECMOVIBER, realitzat a partir de 338 pacients que han rebut suport amb ECMO per una infecció per coronavirus greu a 24 centres d'Espanya i Portugal, detecta els factors associats amb una major mortalitat hospitalària.

The solidarity activities of the foundation allow them to raise more money every year for the research of this disease.

With this grant the project Synthetic cells to improve the control of viral infections will receive support to accelerate its arrival to society.

Des del 27 de desembre fins al 9 de gener de 2022 es podrà visitar a la sala Àgora del CosmoCaixa.

Dels 117 pacients trasplantats d’òrgan sòlid infectats per SARS-CoV-2 en els vuit mesos que comprèn l’estudi (de novembre a juny de 2021), un 88% van infectar-se en el període prevacunació (103 pacients, que van contreure COVID-19 de novembre a març).

Vall d’Hebron and UAB researchers studied the antitumoral action of protein kinase ERK5 inhibitor drugs, and found out they accelerate toxic autophagy.

És el primer cop que s’analitzen totes les cèl·lules que conformen el reservori del VIH a la sang a la vegada, descrivint de quina manera i en quins subtipus de cèl·lules en concret s’ubica aquest reservori en persones que reben tractament antiretroviral



A multicenter study, led by neurologists at the Research Instituto of the Sant Pau Hospital and with the participation of the main Catalan hospitals, analyses the relationship between stroke and COVID.

El Dr. Josep Antoni Ramos Quiroga, la Dra. Núria Gómez Barros, la Dra. Sala Guila, el Dr. Francisco Collazos i el Dr. Marc Ferrer, del Servei de Salut Mental de Vall d’Hebron, han aparegut al llarg de les més de 15 hores de programa.

In this IV edition, 4,800 euros have been raised, which will go to the Biomedical Research in Gynecology group at Vall d'Hebron Research.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted last December 16th the Resolution on "Addressing the Challenges of Persons Living with a Rare Disease and their Families”.

This work is the base to develop an integrate research platform focus on this pathology.