Discover what happens at VHIR! Find all the latest news and information, check our agenda to find out what activities we are organizing, discover how you can help promote the investigation or consult reports and documents in the transparency section. Collaborate See more NEWS Latest news VHIR launches an online 'Animal Model Search Engine' VHIR presents an innovative tool that streamlines the search for animal models, fostering collaboration between researchers and advancing scientific research based on the principles of the 3Rs. Hyperthermic therapy with magnetic nanoparticles to improve treatment of pancreatic cancer Based on the study led by VHIR, a clinical trial has been approved for patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer. Project-COMFORT launches to revolutionize patient-centric blood collection Vall d'Hebron participates in a project to develop innovative microsampling technology, making blood collection more accessible and patient-centered. See more AGENDA Events 14/02/2025 Jornada 'Projecte Cangur' Sala d'actes de l'Edifici Central del VHIR (Planta 0) Jornades 17/02/2025 Jornada 'New technologies and methods in immunogenetics' Sala d’actes de la planta 10 de l’Hospital General Jornades 19/02/2025 Discover the new VHIR Innovation Process and Innovation HUB launch: driving the future of Healthcare Sala d'actes de l'Edifici Central del VHIR (Planta 0) Cursos See more Responsible Research & Innovation VHIR has created and continues to create initiatives that promote the principles of the RRI culture both internally and externally. Activities like citizen engagement, gender equality, scientific divulgation, and open access to research results. See more OUTREACH Notícies de divulgació Vall d’Hebron completes the “Pioneers” mural As part of this campaign, several professionals from the Campus have become role models to explain their stories on social media. Els guanyadors del Concurs Fotogràfic Vall d’Hebron 2021 obtenen la seva obra en format làmina L’any passat es van presentar 41 fotografies per part de 20 autors a la categoria de Fotografia Científica i 37 fotografies de 20 autors a la de l’Hospital de les Persones. Vall d’Hebron participa a la Nit Europea de la Recerca 2022 Onze investigadors i investigadores de Vall d’Hebron faran xerrades i tallers amb l’objectiu d’apropar la ciència a tothom. See more Programa Women in Science El compromís del VHIR amb la igualtat i la perspectiva de gènere s'aborden des d'un punt de vista estratègic i es treballen des d'un grup creat específicament a aquest efecte, el grup Women in Science. Aquesta iniciativa està liderada per dones investigadores també presents a altres òrgans de governança de la Institució, a més de la Direcció General. Grup de Treball LGTBQIA+ El grup de treball LGTBQIA+ del VHIR es va crear el 28 de juny de 2023, dia de l'Orgull LGTBQIA+, com a resultat d'una campanya de sensibilització institucional que s'havia dut a terme un any abans i que va recollir més de 100 missatges i propostes per promoure la inclusió i la visibilitat de la diversitat en la recerca en salut. Més informació Transparency In compliance with the law on transparency, access to public information and good governance, the VHIR makes the following information available to anyone concerned. Check the documents Contact Please fill in the fields with the necessary data so we can get in touch with you to solve any questions or queries you may have. Name Surname Email Phone number Category CategoryAgraïmentAltresClinical trialsReclamacióComunicacióContacte amb el directorDocènciaRRHHInnovationLicitacionsMecenatgeUnitat de projectesSuport a la recercaSuggerència Other subcategory Message CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Data Protection Policy Acceptance I've read and I accept the privacy policy Subscription to newsletter I want to receive information and communications from VHIR The Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Foundation - Research Institute (VHIR) will process your personal data for the management of your consultation. For more information on the processing of your data, see the VHIR Privacy Policy. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability by notifying the Data Protection Officer ( or the VHIR Legal Unit (