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Today's research, tomorrow's health
The new research building is a reality!

The President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, accompanied by the Catalan Ministers of Health and Research and Universities, has inaugurated the new VHIR building.

Today's research, tomorrow's health
Vall d'Hebron Research Institute

More than 30 years working to identify and apply new solutions to society’s health problems, achieving leadership and excellence in clinical and translational biomedical research at the national and international levels.

Today's research, tomorrow's health
Leaders in clinical trials

Clinical trials are our best strategy for making new therapeutic approaches and new treatment opportunities available to patients. The Vall d'Hebron Campus is an international benchmark in clinical trials. We closed the year 2022 with a record figure of 1,761 active clinical trials.

Today's research, tomorrow's health
More than 70 research groups

These research groups are structured in 7 collaborative research spaces (eCORE) with the aim of solving some of the main challenges in the field of health. We promote impact research, aimed at improving the well-being of society.

Today's research, tomorrow's health
The Paediatric Research Hub was established

It will make it possible to promote research in pediatrics and adolescence, making the center's experience visible and pooling efforts and capabilities to carry out initiatives with a global vision.

Today's research, tomorrow's health
VHIR daily news

All the latest news and information on major advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what's happening at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!


Latest news

The BRIDGE project introduces a new approach that combines digital and face-to-face methods to facilitate the participation of more children in clinical trials and improve access to innovative therapies.

MouthX, developed by the company Aurax, allows people with reduced mobility in the upper extremities to have access to essential digital tools for communication, work and leisure, with the aim of improving their independence and emotional well-being.

A new diagnostic algorithm has been created to guide professionals in cases of persistent vomiting for more than four weeks.

All the tools to research at your disposal

The Core Facilities offer state-of-the-art solutions for all the needs that arise during the biomedical research process. Each unit is led by a person in charge of the day-to-day management of the activities, the evaluation of the quality of the service and the treatment to the clients.



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We have the best professionals

Jorge Nestor Garcia Perez

Jorge Nestor Garcia Perez

Senior researcher
Infectious Diseases
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Cristina Solé Marce

Cristina Solé Marce

Main researcher
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Manuel Hernández González

Manuel Hernández González

Translational Immunology
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Esperanza Zuriguel Pérez

Esperanza Zuriguel Pérez

Head of group
Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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