Human Resources Directorate The mission of the Human Resources Directorate is structured into four strategic priorities: Promoting individual and organisational progress through strategies for talent attraction, training and development. Fostering a culture based on mutual respect, inclusion of diversity and equal opportunities. Promoting comprehensive staff well-being through special attention to the areas of working conditions, professional well-being, and interpersonal relations in work and family life. Providing an excellent service based on efficiency and quality. The Human Resources Directorate consists of three units: The Talent Attraction and Recruitment Unit, the Training and Development Unit and the Labour Relations Unit offer comprehensive human resources management to all Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) personnel. The Human Resources Department heads a number of strategic projects for the institution, offering support to different units in key initiatives, such as the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), the Professional Development and Career Plans, implementation of new systems to improve efficiency, and the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Plan, among other significant projects. Director Olalla Bagüés Director of Human Resources Area Talent Attraction and Recruitment Unit The main aim of the Talent Attraction and Recruitment Unit is to attract and recruit the best talent, implement talent attraction and recruitment strategies and guarantee optimal selection experiences throughout the selection cycle, in line with the principles of open, transparent and merit-based recruitment (OTM-R). Its main functions include: Attracting Talent. Actively participating in talent attraction campaigns, strengthening the organisation’s value proposal and image, and ensuring the VHIR’s values and principles are promoted through employer branding initiatives. Selecting Talent. Coordinating and managing selection activities, from the job definition and offer description through talent recruitment techniques and interview/test design and methodology, to the job offer and onboarding process. Accompaniment and Advice. Acting as a reference for candidacy management, accompanying and advising the contracting team, and promoting good practices in selection and gathering feedback, with the aim of providing a good experience for candidates and the people responsible for contracting. Team Estela Villanueva Villanueva PGestio i Adm. Cap unitat Talent Attraction and Acquisition Unit Human Resources Directorate Read more Milda Galkute P Management and Admin. Project manager Talent Attraction and Acquisition Unit Human Resources Directorate Read more Training and Development Unit The main aim of the Training and Development Unit is to promote training and talent development strategies and programmes oriented towards the professional growth of staff throughout their career at the institution. Its main functions are: Onboarding. Together with the Labour Relations Unit, coordinating and managing the onboarding process for new people through the Onboarding Plan, ensuring all new staff acquire the competencies and knowledge needed for a successful start to their professional career with the VHIR. Training and Development. Designing and applying initiatives for professional development, training and evaluation with the aim of improving and updating employees’ knowledge and skills, thereby contributing to their personal growth, their career and their well-being at work. Joint projects with the Human Resources Directorate: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion through a variety of initiatives and activities. Coordinating the VHIR Equality Plan and implementing, monitoring and reporting its actions. Managing policies and processes in gender diversity, inclusion, and equal treatment and opportunities between men and women in the institute. Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R). Coordinating the roll-out of the associated action plan and monitoring and reporting activities. Team Miriam Álvarez Rollan PGestio i Adm. Cap unitat Learning and Development Unit Human Resources Directorate Read more Salvador i Mata, Elena P. Management and Admin. Technical specialist Learning and Development Unit Human Resources Directorate Read more Gil Cortés, Xènia P Management and Admin. Administrative FPII Learning and Development Unit Human Resources Directorate Read more Labour Relations Unit The main purpose of the Labour Relations Unit is to coordinate and manage VHIR personnel labour relations and administration, as well as labour relations with partners and affiliates, thus providing a comprehensive labour service. Labour Advice. Providing advice on social, employment and immigration issues for research heads and staff who require it. Contracting and Payroll. Managing the contracting and payroll processes, accompanying new staff, and managing changes to contract conditions and those related to public bodies. Flexible Remuneration Plan. Together with the Training and Development Unit, managing the Flexible Remuneration Plan which provides staff with benefits through tax deductions for a number of services, such as nurseries, lunch vouchers and transport. Accesses. Facilitating access to facilities and buildings (shifts), ID cards and access to the Intranet (permissions, vacations, and leave of absence). Team Miriam Izquierdo Sans P. Management and Admin. Technical specialist Labour Relations Unit Human Resources Directorate Read more Genoveva Arqueros Sánchez P Management and Admin. Project manager Labour Relations Unit Human Resources Directorate Read more Laia Perez Lasarte Head of unit Labour Relations Unit Human Resources Directorate Read more Mónica López Bardasco Administrative Labour Relations Unit Human Resources Directorate Read more Judit Álvarez González P. Management and Admin. Technical specialist Labour Relations Unit Human Resources Directorate Read more Jimenez Garrido, Ana Belén Administrative Labour Relations Unit Human Resources Directorate Read more Occupational Health and Safety Basic Unit The VHIR has a Joint Occupational Health and Safety Service. The Occupational Health and Safety Basic Unit (UBP) forms part of this service and its function is to assess and ensure the health and safety of all the workplaces, in accordance with the provisions set out by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It is formed by specialists from four disciplines and divided into the following occupational risks: Safety in the workplace Industrial hygiene Ergonomics Psychosociology In the health area, nursing staff monitor the health of VHIR personnel and participate in the prevention of professional illnesses and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Team Carlos Domínguez Pérez Tècnic/a Grau Superior Prevention of Labor Relations Human Resources Directorate Read more