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Human Resources Directorate

The mission of the Human Resources Directorate is articulated through four strategic pillars:

  • Promote individual and organizational progress through talent attraction, training and development strategies.
  • Promote a culture based on mutual respect, inclusion in diversity and equal opportunities.
  • Promote the well-being of the personnel in an integral way, attending to the areas of: working conditions, professional well-being, interpersonal relations and reconciliation of work and family life.
  • Provide an excellent service promoting efficiency and quality.

The area of Human Resources comprises two units: the Employment Relations Unit and the Professional Development Unit. The coordination of these units allows a comprehensive management of all Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) personnel.


Olalla Bagüés

Olalla Bagüés

Director of Human Resources Area

Professional Development Unit

The main objective of the Professional Development Unit is the attraction, selection and development of the talent of VHIR staff, throughout their professional career. Its main functions are:

  • Attraction and Selection of personnel. Coordinate talent attraction and selection activities, as well as accompany and advise the people in charge and the research staff throughout the selection process (from the phase of defining the job position, description of the offer, techniques of recruitment of talent, design and methodology of interviews/tests, up to the incorporation phase).
  • Reception. Together with the Labor Relations Unit, coordinate and manage the process of incorporating newcomers through the Reception Plan, guaranteeing that all new personnel acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to successfully start their professional career in the VHIR.
  • Training, Development and Performance Evaluation. Design and apply professional development, training and evaluation initiatives, in order to improve and update the knowledge and skills of the staff, thus contributing to their personal growth and professional career.
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Promote equality, diversity and inclusion through different initiatives and activities. Coordinate the VHIR Equality Plan, as well as its deployment, monitoring and reporting of its actions. Manage those policies and processes that integrate gender diversity, inclusion and equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in the institute.
  • Human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R). Coordinate the strategy, the deployment of the associated action plan, as well as the monitoring and reporting of the activities.


Milda Galkute

Milda Galkute

P Management and Admin. Project manager
Learning and Development Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Anastasia Isabel Mendoza Hernández

Anastasia Isabel Mendoza Hernández

Medium Grade Technician
Learning and Development Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Miriam Álvarez Rollan

Miriam Álvarez Rollan

PGestio i Adm. Cap unitat
Learning and Development Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Salvador i Mata, Elena

Salvador i Mata, Elena

Medium Grade Technician
Learning and Development Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Gil Cortés, Xènia

Gil Cortés, Xènia

Learning and Development Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Employment Relations Unit

The main objective of the Employment Relations Unit is to coordinate and manage labour relations and personnel administration of the VHIR staff, as well as to manage labour relations derived from the collaborating and/or affiliated group.

Its main functions are:

  • Hiring. Manage the recruitment procedure and monitoring of new staff, as well as modifications and changes in the contractual situation and those related to public bodies such as the General Treasury of Social Security, the National Institute of Social Security, the Office of Work of the Generalitat (OTG), the Tax Administration and Mutual Insurance Companies for Work Accidents.
  • Payroll. Manage the monthly payment of salaries and the settlement of the corresponding taxes (IRPF and Social Security contributions).
  • Flexible Compensation Plan. Together with the Professional Development Unit, manage the Flexible Remuneration Plan through which staff can enjoy tax benefits on a series of products such as childcare, restaurant tickets or transportation.
  • Labour advice. Facilitate advice on socio-labour and immigration matters to those responsible and research staff who require it.
  • Access. Facilitate access to facilities and buildings, identification cards and access to the Intranet (permits, vacations, sick leave).


Miriam Izquierdo Sans

Miriam Izquierdo Sans

P. Management and Admin. Technical specialist
Labour Relations Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Genoveva Arqueros Sánchez

Genoveva Arqueros Sánchez

Tècnic/a Grau Superior
Labour Relations Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Ana Verges Oller

Ana Verges Oller

Labour Relations Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Laia Perez Lasarte

Laia Perez Lasarte

Head of unit
Labour Relations Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Mónica López Bardasco

Mónica López Bardasco

Labour Relations Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Judit Álvarez González

Judit Álvarez González

Medium Grade Technician
Labour Relations Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Laia Roig Arnaus

Laia Roig Arnaus

Medium Grade Technician
Labour Relations Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Jimenez Garrido, Ana Belén

Jimenez Garrido, Ana Belén

Labour Relations Unit
Human Resources Directorate
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Occupational Health and Safety Basic Unit

The VHIR has a Joint Occupational Health and Safety Service.

The Occupational Health and Safety Basic Unit (UBP) forms part of this service and its function is to assess and ensure the health and safety of all the workplaces, in accordance with the provisions set out by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It is formed by specialists from four disciplines and divided into the following occupational risks: 

  • Safety in the workplace
  • Industrial hygiene
  • Ergonomics
  • Psychosociology

In the health area, nursing staff monitor the health of VHIR personnel and participate in the prevention of professional illnesses and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.


Carlos Domínguez Pérez

Carlos Domínguez Pérez

Tècnic/a Grau Superior
Prevention of Labor Relations
Human Resources Directorate
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