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Adoración Nieto Ruiz

Institutions of which they are part

Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Adoración Nieto Ruiz

Institutions of which they are part

Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca


Impacte d'una intervenció multimodal sobre la perspectiva i satisfacció dels pacients, familiars i professionals de la Unitat de Cures Intensives.

IP: Montserrat Aran Esteve
Collaborators: Rocio Tabernero Gallego, Elisabet Gallart Vive, Rosa Maria Gracia Gozalo, Montse Rodriguez Gomez, Xavier Nuvials Casals, Nuria Vidal Tarrasón, Isidro Alcalà Jimenez, Adoración Nieto Ruiz, Laia Rafel Perez
Funding agency: Col·legi Oficial d'Infermers/es de Barcelona
Funding: 7502
Reference: PR-724/2024
Duration: 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2027

Fisiologia i fisiopatologia digestiva

IP: Fco Javier Santos Vicente
Collaborators: Beatriz Lobo Alvarez, Fisiologia i fisiopatologia digestiva, Merce Albert Bayo, Natalia Borruel Sainz, Francesc Casellas Jordá, Carmen Alonso Cotoner, Carolina Malagelada Prats, Jorge Serra Pueyo, Ana Maria Gonzalez Castro, Ariadna Aguilar Cayuelas, Elba Exposito Fernandez, Laura Campderros Traver, Blanca Grases Pintó, Virginia Robles Alonso, Adoración Nieto Ruiz, Claudia Barber Caselles, Elena Céspedes Martínez, Danila Guagnozzi, Ronald Benjamin Llerena Castro, Consuelo Cammarota
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Funding: 40000
Reference: 2021 SGR 00766
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025

Development, dIagnostic and prevention of gender-related Somatic and mental COmorbitiEs in IRritable bowel syndrome In Europe (DISCOvERIE)

IP: Fco Javier Santos Vicente
Collaborators: Beatriz Lobo Alvarez, Silvia Muñoz Caller, Carmen Alonso Cotoner, Ana Maria Gonzalez Castro, Elba Exposito Fernandez, Marc Pigrau Pastor, Xavier Serra Ruiz, Adoración Nieto Ruiz, Alejandro Henao Paez, Consuelo Cammarota, José Alegre Martin, Jesus Castro Marrero, Marta Ribases Haro, Natalia Llonga Tejedor, Amanda Rodríguez Urrutia
Funding: 1148684.84
Reference: DISCOVERIE_H2020-SC1-BHC2019
Duration: 01/01/2020 - 31/05/2025

Potenciación del fenotipo fibroinflamatorio y su rectificación con moduladores de autofagia en células estrelladas pancreáticas carentes de CFTR.

IP: -
Collaborators: Joaquin Balsells Valls, Adoración Nieto Ruiz
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 93170
Reference: PI18/00511
Duration: 01/01/2019 - 30/06/2023

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The Neonatology Service aims to demonstrate that the individual family room for newborns is more beneficial than the shared box room.

The awarded study is titled “Perceptions and experiences of parents of premature newborns with an umbilical venous catheter who perform skin-to-skin contact,” and the granted scholarship will allow for its dissemination.

A clinical trial with the prototype of the device shows that the use of this technology improves patient monitoring by nurses and reduces post-surgical complications.

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