Giorgio Colangelo I'm responsible of identifying opportunities, design and conceptualize projects with focus on Artificial Intelligence. I'm also available for technical consultancy and development of AI algorithms. Count on me for further discussions on interdisciplinary and AI related problems. Institutions of which they are part Tècnic/a Superior Recerca Competitive Research Directorate Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca LinkedIn Twitter Orcid Email Giorgio Colangelo LinkedIn Twitter Orcid Email Institutions of which they are part Tècnic/a Superior Recerca Competitive Research Directorate Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca I'm responsible of identifying opportunities, design and conceptualize projects with focus on Artificial Intelligence. I'm also available for technical consultancy and development of AI algorithms. Count on me for further discussions on interdisciplinary and AI related problems.
I'm a physicist (BSc and MSc in Physics at University of Pisa) and a PhD in Photonics at ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences, on behalf of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. I spent last 10+ years working in R&D: first at ICFO, where I obtained the PhD contributing to groundbreaking experiments in quantum physics, metrology and non-classical correlation detection (Colangelo et al, Nature 2017 and other publications) Then I moved to applied research and Data Science consultancy at Accenture and Schneider Electrics where I was inventor of two patent pending solutions of Machine Learning and statistical methods for early prediction and detection of failures in complex machines. I'm also interested in Science Communications being author of one book ("La Banda di via Panisperna"), several book chapters and an educational program for schools.
Projects (TARTAGLIA) - Fondos Estructura IP: - Collaborators: Giorgio Colangelo, Marta Ferri Peradalta Funding agency: Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transf Digital Funding: 306355.4 Reference: MIA.2021.M02.0005_ESTRUCTURA Duration: 01/10/2021 - 31/12/2024 Caracterización de la DIScapacidad y la COgnición en sujetos con Esclerosis múltiple a partir de secuencias de Resonancia magnética convencional (DISCOvER). IP: Deborah Pareto Onghena Collaborators: Ingrid Galán Cartaña, Herena Eixarch Ahufinger, M Jesus Arevalo Navines, Andrea De Barros Figueredo, Neus Mongay Ochoa, Giorgio Colangelo Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Funding: 87120 Reference: PI22/01709 Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025 Red Federada Para Acelerar La Aplicación De La Inteligencia Artificial En El Sistema Sanitario Español (TARTAGLIA) WP7 IP: Jose Fernando Rodríguez Palomares Collaborators: Lydia Dux-Santoy Hurtado, Giorgio Colangelo, Andrea Guala, Javier Solsona Caravaca, Mireia Bragulat Arevalo, Alba Català Santarrufina Funding agency: Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transf Digital Funding: 268649.45 Reference: MIA.2021.M02.0005_R.PALOMARES Duration: 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2024 Red Federada Para Acelerar La Aplicación De La Inteligencia Artificial En El Sistema Sanitario Español (TARTAGLIA) IP: Anna Santamaria Margalef Collaborators: Joan Morote Robles, Olga Méndez Fernández, Giorgio Colangelo, Olga Méndez Fernández, Olga Méndez Fernández, Olga Méndez Fernández, Olga Méndez Fernández, Olga Méndez Fernández, Olga Méndez Fernández Funding agency: Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transf Digital Funding: 703098.75 Reference: MIA.2021.M02.0005_SANTAMARIA Duration: 01/10/2021 - 31/12/2024