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Jose Angel Rodrigo Pendás

Institutions of which they are part

Epidemiology and Public Health
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Jose Angel Rodrigo Pendás

Institutions of which they are part

Epidemiology and Public Health
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Research lines

Epidemiology of hospital-acquired infections

Includes the evaluation of risk factors, features, evolution, host, and impact of these infections. The group has been pioneer in the organization of a national prevalence surveillance project for nosocomial infections (EPINE) that is underway since 1990, allowing the analysis and monitoring of this data for investigational purposes. We are currently working in a multilevel analysis to evaluate the characteristics associated with nosocomial infections due to antibiotic resistant microorganisms, based on data of EPINE study (PI15/00787). We are also involved in the national study of device-related infections in intensive care units (ENVIN-Helics).

IP: Jose Angel Rodrigo Pendás


Caracterización de Neisseria meningitidis tras la introducción de la vacuna frente al serogrupo B e identificación de factores predisponentes para la enfermedad meningocócica invasiva

IP: Juan Jose Gonzalez Lopez
Collaborators: Manuel Hernández González, Jose Angel Rodrigo Pendás, Maria Belén Viñado Perez, Aina Aguiló Cucurull, Alba Mir Cros, Albert Moreno Mingorance, Andrea Martín Nalda, Nuria Serre Delcor, Josep Roca Grande, Laura Batlle Masó
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 123420
Reference: PI21/00132
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2026

Vigilancia y control de la infección relacionada con la asistencia sanitaria por bacterias multirresistentes a través de la secuenciación de genomas completos. Proyecto IRAS 2

IP: María Nieves Larrosa Escartin
Collaborators: Jose Angel Rodrigo Pendás, Maria Belén Viñado Perez, Mª Carmen Ferrer Barberà, Nuria Fernández Hidalgo, Rosa Alcaraz Peñarrocha, Ma Dolores Rodríguez Pardo, Vanessa Casares Rodríguez, Albert Moreno Mingorance
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 90750
Reference: PI21/01786
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2026

Características del paciente y del hospital asociadas a la infección nosocomial por microorganismos resistentes a antibiótios - un análisis multinivel

IP: Jose Angel Rodrigo Pendás
Collaborators: Susana Otero Romero
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 21175
Reference: PI15/00787
Duration: 01/01/2016 - 30/11/2020

Factores virológicos y del huésped asociados a una mayor gravedad de la infección por el virus respiratorio sincitial (VRS)

IP: Tomàs Pumarola Suñé
Collaborators: Jose Angel Rodrigo Pendás, Andres Antón Pagarolas, Lluis Armadans Gil, Juliana Esperalba Esquerra
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 116765
Reference: PI14/01838
Duration: 01/01/2015 - 30/06/2019

Related news

On European Antibiotic Awareness Day, we highlight the importance of using these medications responsibly and finding innovative solutions to combat this issue.

This strategy protects almost two thirds of patients. It also reduces the waiting time between vaccination and initiation of immune suppressive treatment.

El VHIR va participar activament en l'assaig clínic d'aquesta vacuna que avaluava la seguretat, la tolerabilitat i l'eficàcia.

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