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Susana Otero Romero


Institutions of which they are part

Head of group
Epidemiology and Public Health
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
General Hospital

Susana Otero Romero

Institutions of which they are part

Head of group
Epidemiology and Public Health
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
General Hospital




Measuring brand-specific influenza vaccine effectiveness

IP: Susana Otero Romero
Collaborators: Eva del Amo Moran, Magda Campins Martí, Cristina Andrés Vergés
Funding agency: The Innovative Medicines Initiative
Funding: 69562.5
Reference: DRIVE_IMI2-2019_SUBART11
Duration: 24/10/2019 - 24/10/2020

Estudio de comorbilidad y de inmunogenicidad vacunal en una cohorte prospectiva de pacientes con primeros brotes sugestivos de Esclerosis Múltiple

IP: Susana Otero Romero
Collaborators: Juliana Esperalba Esquerra, Mar Tintore Subirana, Laia Pinos Tella, Marta Rodríguez Barranco, Estudio de comorbilidad y de inmunogenicidad vacunal en una cohorte prospectiva de pacientes con primeros brotes sugestivos de E, Sonia Maria Uriona Tuma, Sonia Maria Uriona Tuma
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 105270
Reference: PI19/01606
Duration: 01/01/2020 - 30/06/2024

Development of Robust and Innovative Vaccine Effectiveness (DRIVE)

IP: Susana Otero Romero
Collaborators: Eva del Amo Moran, Magda Campins Martí, Cristina Andrés Vergés, Arnau Peñalver Piñol
Funding agency: The Innovative Medicines Initiative
Funding: 59690
Reference: DRIVE_IMI2-2018_SUBART11
Duration: 07/08/2018 - 30/09/2019


IP: Ines Mercedes Oliveira Souto
Collaborators: Susana Otero Romero, Israel Molina Romero, Fernando M Salvador Velez, Jordi Gómez i Prat, Adrián Sánchez Montalvá, Elena Sulleiro Igual, Aroa Silgado Gimenez
Funding agency: Fundació La Marató de TV3
Funding: 121150
Reference: 20182610
Duration: 10/05/2019 - 31/01/2023

Related news

This strategy protects almost two thirds of patients. It also reduces the waiting time between vaccination and initiation of immune suppressive treatment.

El VHIR va participar activament en l'assaig clínic d'aquesta vacuna que avaluava la seguretat, la tolerabilitat i l'eficàcia.

A l'estudi hi participaran 200 persones voluntàries i es durà a terme a 10 hospitals espanyols, entre els quals Vall d’Hebron.

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