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Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group

The Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group develops its research with the commitment to solve and prevent people's health problems. It is a team made up of nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nutritionists and social workers, whose objective is to generate knowledge in the specific area of nursing activity and other health professionals. With special interest in populations of extreme age, critical, chronic and complex chronic patients. The main lines of research are focused on the ethical and social aspects of care, innovative technologies in health, innovative technologies in therapeutic applications and health promotion for the autonomy of patients and families.

In its first 8 years of activity, the group has published 70 international papers, achieved 8 competitive findings, finalized PhD thesis and validated and implemented different innovative care models.


Figuera Segarra, Nuria

Figuera Segarra, Nuria

Predoctoral researcher
Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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Herraiz Diaz, Ana Maria

Herraiz Diaz, Ana Maria

Research assistant
Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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José David Méndez Corral

José David Méndez Corral

Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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Judith olivera Ruescas

Judith olivera Ruescas

Predoctoral researcher
Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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Liz  Madrid, Sandra

Liz Madrid, Sandra

Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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Llaurado Dalmau, Maria Pilar

Llaurado Dalmau, Maria Pilar

Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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Figuera Segarra, Nuria

Figuera Segarra, Nuria

Predoctoral researcher
Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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Herraiz Diaz, Ana Maria

Herraiz Diaz, Ana Maria

Research assistant
Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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José David Méndez Corral

José David Méndez Corral

Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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Judith olivera Ruescas

Judith olivera Ruescas

Predoctoral researcher
Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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Liz  Madrid, Sandra

Liz Madrid, Sandra

Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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Llaurado Dalmau, Maria Pilar

Llaurado Dalmau, Maria Pilar

Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group
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Development, dIagnostic and prevention of gender-related Somatic and mental COmorbitiEs in IRritable bowel syndrome In Europe (DISCOvERIE)

IP: Fco Javier Santos Vicente
Collaborators: Beatriz Lobo Alvarez, Silvia Muñoz Caller, Carmen Alonso Cotoner, Ana Maria Gonzalez Castro, Elba Exposito Fernandez, Marc Pigrau Pastor, Xavier Serra Ruiz, Adoración Nieto Ruiz, Alejandro Henao Paez, Consuelo Cammarota, José Alegre Martin, Jesus Castro Marrero, Marta Ribases Haro, Natalia Llonga Tejedor, Amanda Rodríguez Urrutia
Funding: 1148684.84
Reference: DISCOVERIE_H2020-SC1-BHC2019
Duration: 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2024

Sistema de clasificación de pacientes de cuidados agudos a intensivos en el ámbito pediátrico.

IP: Esperanza Zuriguel Pérez
Collaborators: Mª del Carmen Gomez Martin, Sara López Branchadell, Dunia Ben Lachhab Sancho
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 17545
Reference: PI21/00590
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024

Evaluación de la eficacia de una intervención para dejar de fumar en pacientes prequirúrgicos de cirugía ortopédica o de cirugía general y urológica: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado.

IP: Eva Gavilan Castillo
Collaborators: -
Funding agency: Col·legi Oficial d'Infermers/es de Barcelona
Funding: 3597
Reference: PR-483/2021
Duration: 21/10/2021 - 20/10/2025

Implementació territorial i avaluació d'un programa pacient expert per millorar l’apoderament i la qualitat de vida de les persones amb esclerosi múltiple

IP: Miguel Angel Robles Sanchez
Collaborators: -
Funding agency: Col·legi Oficial d'Infermers/es de Barcelona
Funding: 2420
Reference: PR-475/2021
Duration: 20/10/2021 - 19/10/2024



A clinical trial with the prototype of the device shows that the use of this technology improves patient monitoring by nurses and reduces post-surgical complications.

One study will improve the transition process of adolescents and, the other, will detect the risk of deterioration in hospitalised patients.

A study, led by Vall d'Hebron, identifies what type of information patients need to develop a web platform that will be useful to them when involving- se in making decisions about their treatment.