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Dr. David García-Dorado, head of Cardiovascular Diseases research group has passed away



Article signed by Dr. Ignacio Ferreira, researcher of the Cardiovascular Diseases Group of the VHIR and acting head of the Cardiology Service of Vall d'Hebron.

Dr. David García-Dorado died on August 16, 2019 after four years of struggle, almost epic I would say, against the disease. It is difficult to summarize in a few pages the professional trajectory of Dr. David García-Dorado and describe the profound impact his work has had on Catalan, Spanish and European Cardiology. And it is even harder to try to capture the gap left at the Cardiology Department of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital and the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), where he was head of the Cardiovascular Disease Group.David was born in Madrid in 1953, where he studied medicine and subsequently carried out his residence in cardiology and his doctorate in medicine at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital. Given his restless and innovative personality and his deep conviction that the advance in scientific knowledge should be the basis for an excellent medicine, David began in the late 80's of the last century to complete His first work in experimental cardiology. The investigation became for him a vital passion. And he started a line of research that would mark his career: the study of the physiopathology of myocardial damage by ischemia-reperfusion. It was then, and largely due to this scientific passion, when he made an essential step that would mark his professional and personal future: the arrival in 1991 at the Cardiology Department of Vall d'Hebron Hospital. Although the challenge was enormous, because he had to develop an experimental laboratory with own lines and innovators, the tenacity, courage and professional excellence of David marked the pattern to follow and ensured success.In a few years, the VHIR Experimental Cardiology laboratory was consolidated as an international reference group in studies of cell biology, physiology and cardioprotection. It is currently one of the most important research groups of the VHIR for its scientific production, solidity in the trajectory and the number of people working there. David formed several generations of researchers with their values of scientific excellence, methodological rigor, critical spirit and creativity. And some of his scientific contributions have become seminal works in his area.All this scientific and research background, the result of the many facets of David, has been translated into a resume of excellence, possibly the best in the country. To provide guidance, he was the author of 410 articles, which received more than 11,200 appointments. In 56 he is the first author, which gives an idea of the consistency of his leadership in the research group. He was the president of the Working Group of Cell Biology of the Heart of the European Society of Cardiology co-editor for 10 years of the Journal of Cardiovascular Research (2002-2012), and managed to position it as one of the most important journals in experimental cardiology . In addition, he was an inventor of three patents and led 35 projects of competitive competition, eight of them international, some really unique.Dr. David García -Dorado was an essentially good person. In addition to professional excellence, he had a full life in every way, governed by the values of honesty, austerity and the search for beauty in all its dimensions. He had many hobbies, which he dedicated with passion, such as painting, music, cinema and photography. In short, the Vall d'Hebron Hospital and the VHIR dismiss a good man, an excellent doctor and an exceptional professor and scientist.Dr. Ignacio Ferreira, acting Head of the Cardiology Department of Vall d'Hebron and Principal Investigator of the VHIR Cardiovascular Disease Research Group

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