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The Gynecology and Urology Biomedical Research groups collaborate with scientific teaching at the Institute 4Cantons



Students go into the world of cancer research and help researchers design new tools

The groups of Biomedical Research in Gynecology and Urology of VHIR have initiated an educational action in collaboration with the "" Institute Quatre Cantons (4Cantons) of Poblenou, Barcelona. This is a public secondary school with a great teaching quality and an innovative method, and therefore it was awarded the prize Ciutat de Barcelona in Education.His pedagogical project is based on finding centers of interest and introduce different subjects through them, using what they call globalized work. During this semester, the Gynecology and Urology Biomedical Research groups have offered a globalized work focused on the study of gynecologic cancers. They have proposed students to design a tool that helps researchers to investigate animal models, using their knowledge in design and digital printing. More specifically, the aim for the students is to design a mechanism for dispersing human tumors, reducing its size to introduce them in mice and investigate.During these four weeks the collaboration lasts, researchers and students meet at the premises of 4Cantons Institute to have lessons related to cancer and at the VHIR, to know the center, see in situ what the reseearch is and to do experiments.This collaboration is possible thanks to the interest that all members of the research group have for teaching, and is included within the overall objective of bringing science to society. As one of the researchers of the Ginecology group said, Dr. Anna Santamaria: "For our groups it has been a very enriching experience that has allowed us not only to bring our research to adolescents of this institute, but also encourage the researcher spirit that surely is inside some of them! ".Students are also really enjoying the experience and highlight the interest that has taken them to see up close how a prestigious research laboratory works. They tell us they have learned a lot about cancer and physiology of the body, and add: "and the best of all is that we have not only learned but may have helped research".

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