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Nanbiosis renews its accreditation as a Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS)

Investigadors del FVPR del VHIR

Investigadors del FVPR del VHIR


VHIR collaborates with Nanbiosis through the FVPR service platform created within the Drug Delivery and Targeting Research Group (DTT).

Nanbiosis has renewed its accreditation as Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS). The decision was taken at the 9th meeting of the Council for Scientific, Technological and Innovation Policy chaired by the Minister for Science and Innovation, Diana Morant. Nanbiosis has been a member since 2014 of this select list which brings together the best Spanish research facilities. Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) collaborates with Nanbiosis through the FVPR services platform (Functional Validation & Preclinical Research) created within the Drug Delivery and Targeting Research Group (DDT).

Nanbiosis was born in 2011 as a result of the collaboration between the Integrated Infrastructure for the Production and Characterization of Nanomaterials, Biomaterials and systems in Biomedicine (CIBER-BBN) and the Jesus Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (JUMISC). The platform offers a one-stop scheme to provide integrated and customized solutions to the challenges encountered by researchers in nanomedicine, medical diagnosis, and regenerative medicine devices. In total it has 26 units that can design and produce bio-nanomaterials and their nanoconjugates; typify materials, tissues and medical devices from a physicochemical, functional, toxicological and biological point of view; and help the production until pre-clinic validation in vivo. These units include the VHIR’s FVPR platform, which it is the Nanbiosis U20. This platform led by Dr. Ibane Abasolo gives resources to assess the effectiveness and toxicity of new agents or therapeutic targets, whether they are nanotechnologically based or not, and is certified with ISO9001:2015.

The aim of the ICTS map, which is updated every four years, is to support the development of advanced and strategic scientific and technical infrastructures with a very high maintenance and operation cost. Its update is done according to most rigorous scientific, technological and innovation merits. Currently, there are 29 infrastructures across the State with it, they are divided into eight categories according to their areas of study. Nanbiosis is a member of the Health and Biotechnology Science Group together with Distributed Network for Biomedical Image (ReDIB), the High-Biosafety Laboratories Network (RLASB), the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biomolecule Laboratory Network (R-LRB) and the Omics Technology Infrastructures (OmicsTech).

Nanbiosis pertany des del 2014 a aquesta selecta llista que reuneix les millors instal·lacions dedicades a la recerca de l'estat espanyol

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