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Three Vall d'Hebron projects at the forefront of ICS innovation



Since the implementation of Innobics five of the ideas presented have already been consolidated as projects to be developed. Three of them belong to Vall d'Hebron.

The day event of the first year of Innòbics was held today at the Auditorium Axa Barcelona. It has reviewed the activities of the open innovation community which already has 1,400 ICS professionals and more than 150 registered ideas to improve care for citizens."In one year, we have created an innovative ecosystem, with a remarkable participation and approval of five projects to be developed in the coming months," said David Elvira, president of the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS). Also, announced that the model will open beyond the institution and the intention is that, before next year, the public and other health workers also can access.Out of the more than 150 ideas, five have already been established as projects to be developed. Of these five, three belong to Vall d'Hebron and in particular the "Telecremats" project has been publicly presented today during the conference. Regarding the other two, the 'INDI: A model to meet the major depression from primary care' project is run by the Camp de Tarragona Territorial Management, and the project 'Telemedicina', by the Central Catalonia Territorial Management.Projects led by Vall d'Hebron are:Telecremats: Telematic care for major burnsThe super-specialized care in the field of burns favours high-quality care focused on the patient but at the same time means a reduction in the accessibility of citizens to these resources for geographical reasons. The creation of a telecare platform "Telecremats" led by Joan Pere Barret, head of the Plastic Surgery and Burns of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital (HUVH) promotes distance access to specialized care with high quality and efficiency to meet highly complex patients with burns. A pilot study carried out with the Verge de la Cinta Hospital in Tortosa allowed to validate the effectiveness of telematics service since in more than half of the cases it was not necessary to bypass to Vall d'Hebron. With this pilot launch, the momentum of the Innòbics model will allow other ICS centres to also connect to the Burns Unit of the Vall d'Hebron.The major objectives of this project, according to its promoter, Dr. Joan Pere Barret, are "improving the quality of care in the treatment of burns and provide a more humane and closer medicine." Thanks to the "Telecremats" platform, transfers and hospital stays decrease almost 60% in the Burns Unit of Vall d'Hebron, promoting patients to remain admitted to hospitals closer to their homes.The extension of the expertise of specialized medicine throughout the country will require the development of a new software for remote assistance. For Dr. Barret, "this deployment will change the current paradigm of the treatment of patients burned with a migration from traditional medicine (the patient goes to the doctor specialist) to modern medicine based on information technology in which the professional specialist goes where the patient requires it."The implementation of the "Telecremats" program also includes training for emergency professionals of all centres and the creation of specific protocols.The NIDCAP projectThe personalized neonatal care project, focusing on the child and the inclusion of the family (NIDCAP) -driven by Josep Perapoch López, head of the Section of Neonatology of the Paediatric Service of the Department of Maternal and Child Hospital Universitari of Vall d'Hebron- includes education and training of nursing and family because the latter assuming certain functions of newborn care improves infant outcomes, a decrease of sequels and a better quality of life.After an initial pilot phase Vall d'Hebron will extend the model to other hospitals of the ICS.This project will introduce the new paradigm of global development and future of the individual, beyond the classic cure of the disease and its complications.Application of a computer algorithm for the early detection of primary immunodeficiencies in primary carePrimary immunodeficiencies (PID) are genetic diseases affecting in Catalonia between 3,700 and 6,200 people. Cause serious infections processes especially in cases that they were not detected. The 'Implementation of a computer algorithm for the early detection of primary immunodeficiencies in primary care' project -by Pedro Soler Palacín physician of the Paediatric Service of the Department of Maternal and Child of the University Hospital Vall d'Hebron - proposed to include a computerized procedure based on a diagnostic algorithm that points to the clinical cases of PID, based on a series of alarm signals.Using the algorithm will detect the warning signs, coded in the system for primary care professionals serving the patient to identify possible cases of PID, and will enable the prophylaxis of complications and adequate monitoring. This has shown better results in the patient's quality of life and cost of care. This model will promote better coordination among professionals in primary care and clinical expertise unit of the Paediatric Service of Vall d'Hebron. The pilot phase will be developed in the centres of Primary Care Services Muntanya of the Primary Health Care Area of the City of Barcelona.

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