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Three Vall Hebron professionals obtain grants from the Col-legi Oficial d'Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona to work on their research projects


The nurses Rosa Casado, Eva Gavilan and Miguel Ángel Robles from Vall Hebron Research have been three of the winners of the call for grants of the Col-legi this 2021

The call for Nursing Research Grants 2021 of the Col-legi Oficial d'infermeres i infermers de Barcelona (COIB), from a total of 40 projects evaluated, has awarded the grants to three projects of the Group of Multidisciplinar Research in Nursering of Vall Hebron Research, each led by a researcher specialized in their area of knowledge.

Nurse Rosa Casado, from the outpatient department of Vascular Surgery at Vall Hebron Hospital, leads a project on nursing intervention in outpatient departments for patients undergoing venous sclerotherapy. The hypothesis is that nursing intervention in the follow-up of these patients from the vascular outpatient clinic will reduce the severity of venous insufficiency (CVI) and increase patient satisfaction and quality of life in relation to their health.

Nurse Eva Gavilan, from the Surgical Area of the Vall Hebron Hospital and collaborator of the Tobacco Control Unit, is leading a project related to smokers who will undergo surgery. She and her team will evaluate the efficacy, in terms of abstinence and reduction of complications, of an intensive pre-surgical intervention to stop smoking in smokers who will undergo orthopedic surgery with implants or general and urological surgery.  

Nurse Miguel Angel Robles, part of the team at the Multiple Sclerosis Center of Catalonia (Cemcat), is leading a project to empower the person and improve their health outcomes and their experience and satisfaction with the health process. Through a Patient-Expert program, the aim is to improve the understanding of multiple sclerosis through the exchange of knowledge between people suffering from the same disease. This intervention is compatible with any other health program and health professionals provide leadership and accompaniment throughout the project. This multi-center study will be carried out in 7 referral units in Catalonia. 

The three projects have been approved to receive the requested grants and to be implemented as soon as possible in the specified area.

About the grants

This 2021 the aids to nursing research have increased after the approval by the Col-legi of a budget reform proposed for this call. In total, 21 of the 61 projects presented have been approved, some of which were already rejected or for which amendments were requested.

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