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VHIR, highlighted center in the BioRegion of Catalonia Outlook 2020



The report highlights the investment in Anaconda Biomed and Mosaic Biomedicals, as well as the number of patents VHIR applied for.

Last September 28, Biocat and CataloniaBIO & HealthTech presented the BioRegion of Catalonia Outlook 2020, the reference study that analyzes the health and life sciences sector in Catalonia.The report highlights the importance of this sector for the well-being of the population and the country's competitiveness and how it is based on research of international excellence, a quality education system and a broad and solid network of talent, institutions and companies that work for the advancement and evolution of it. Since 2010, the indicators of success have grown steadily, and the current contribution of companies and health services to the GDP of Catalonia is 7.3%. In recent years, there has been a boom in opportunities and professionals focused on generating new opportunities and making the BioRegion a pole of international attraction. In fact, Catalonia has been the best region in Southern Europe in terms of investment since 2016.Thus, the volume of capital raised by companies in the BioRegion has not stopped growing, especially in the digital health subsector, which has been multiplied by 3.5 since 2016. In 2020 the total annual investment figure in the BioRegion has already reached a record of euros120M in September. It's been already 5 years in which more than euros100M of investment in life and health sciences companies have been raised, among which Anaconda Biomed stands out. Anaconda Biomed is a start-up that develops a technology from Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) and that raised 15 and 20 million euros in 2017 and 2019 respectively to clinically validate the technology. Much of this capital is essential to advance the 41 drugs and therapies that are in clinical phases, among which is MSC-1 of Mosaic Biomedicals, one of the spin-offs from VHIR and Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO).The report emphasizes the origin of many of these drugs, therapies and technologies in hospital institutes, research centers and universities. The relevance that Catalonia has in terms of volume and impact of scientific production in life sciences stands out when it is compared with leading European countries similar in size and population, as does the ability to raise competitive European funds and in obtaining ERC grants. Regarding patents, Catalonia also stands out and the contribution of the public sector is important since 1 out of every 3 patents is requested by a research entity. Noteworthy, VHIR is the third research institution, behind two large universities such as UPC and UAB, in the ranking of number of patents requested. This position reflects the excellent science with a high translational and applicable component that is generated in a research institution liked to a hospital.The importance of Catalan hospitals such as Vall d'Hebron in positioning the BioRegion in the global panorama of clinical research is well known. It is in the top 15 in the world and in the top 10 in Europe in number of clinical trials active during 2016, many of them in collaboration with multinational pharmaceutical companies.Despite this growth in the relevance of the BioRegion, the report makes special emphasis on the future challenges. The European competitiveness indicators show that Catalonia has difficulties to generate innovation. Therefore, we shouldn't be blinded by the successes of recent years and it is necessary to promote the scale-up of a solid sector that has the potential to be a key engine of the entire economy and society. We must make robust and competitive academic innovation, addressing challenges in technology transfer. It is necessary to attract and develop new talent that contributes to the ecosystem to face the requirements and transformations of the sector. It is necessary to continue increasing the mobilization of capital and the attraction of investment, promoting more and better investible projects. For all this, an economically sustainable and quality public health system is also necessary, capable of adapting value innovation in an agile, structured and transparent way.

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