19/12/2024 The VHIR launches the Mentor_INN Network to Accelerate Knowledge Transfer and Health Innovation 19/12/2024 A key initiative that connects researchers with a network of more than 20 external mentors who are experts in various fields within the ecosystem. With the aim of strengthening knowledge transfer and enhancing the impact of its projects on the healthcare system and the market, the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) has launched a new Innovation process. Within this framework, the Directorate of Innovation and Business Development held the first meeting of the Mentor_INN Network, a key initiative that connects researchers with a network of more than 20 external mentors who are experts in various fields within the ecosystem. The meeting served to present the strategic goals of the initiative, as well as the functioning of the new Innovation Process and the governance of the mentoring program. "This initiative is designed to facilitate the evaluation and drive the development of innovation projects with the goal of fostering their transfer to the healthcare system, generating impact, and enabling their commercialization in the market", explained Rafael Navajo, director of Innovation and Business Development at VHIR. The Mentor_INN Network promotes a continuous learning environment and knowledge exchange among VHIR researchers, Innovation Managers, and professionals from various sectors of the ecosystem, such as industry, regulation, and healthcare management. This interdisciplinary collaboration will allow researchers to explore new opportunities beyond the scientific and academic realms, thus fostering a culture of innovation aimed at creating a tangible impact on the healthcare ecosystem. Thanks to this initiative, VHIR researchers will acquire key skills and gain access to collaborative networks that will facilitate the advancement of Innovation Projects, the creation of innovative solutions for patients, and healthcare providers. "In this way, VHIR reaffirms its commitment to promoting a more sustainable and efficient healthcare system and positioning itself as a leader in knowledge transfer and health innovation", concluded. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp