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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

On World Cancer Research Day, we highlight research aimed at improving treatments for both pediatric and adult cancers through innovative techniques.

The work led by Dr. Regis demonstrates that performing robotic reconstruction after radical prostatectomy is associated with better urinary control.

A clinical trial with the prototype of the device shows that the use of this technology improves patient monitoring by nurses and reduces post-surgical complications.

One more year, we join the Movember movement to raise awareness of the need for research to improve men's health and, in particular, that of patients with prostate cancer.

On World Cancer Research Day, we highlight the oncology research model of the Vall d'Hebron Campus that allows laboratory results to be transferred as quickly as possible to clinical practice.

Special mention should be made of the VHIR’s participation in this study on World Prostate Cancer Day.

Vall d’Hebron ha celebrat avui la Jornada del Dia Mundial contra el Càncer, una malaltia cada cop més freqüent que patiran al llarg de la vida un de cada dos homes i una de cada tres dones del nostre entorn.

The winning work is an international study that has shown the efficacy of robotic surgery for the repair of strictures in the ureters, one of the most common complications after removing the urinary bladder due to cancer.

November is men's health awareness month promoted by the MOVEMBER movement.

On World Cancer Research Day, we highlight the impact of VHIR projects in the field of oncology.

The drug EB1 is able to block resistance pathways to standard cancer treatments and could increase the efficacy of chemotherapy or immunotherapy.

Durant el mes de juny, organitzem tres activitats sobre assaigs clínics, genètica i imatges científiques.

Aquesta trobada es dirigeix a un públic de totes les edats amb un ampli ventall de formats: experiments, instal·lacions, jocs, tallers, demostracions, espectacles, debats, microxerrades, itineraris i visites guiades, entre d’altres.

The objective of the Tartaglia project will be to train mathematical models to support decision making and contribute to personalized and precision medicine.

The Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus has organised the World Cancer Day Conference as part of World Cancer Day, today, 4 February.

A group of researchers from Vall d’Hebron Research, IDIBELL and UB has identified a molecule involved in bone metastasis associated with prostate cancer that could be useful in the design of new therapies for its treatment.

Prostate cancer, testicle cancer, mental health and preventing suicide among men were the focus of the charity organisation Movember, which since 2003 has funded more than 1,250 projects associated with male health around the world.