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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

The selected studies were those of Dr. Carlos Jiménez, from the Cancer and Childhood Hematological Diseases group, and Dr. Eva Coll, from the Biomedical Research in Gynecology group, both members of eCORE-Cancer.

Amb motiu del Dia Mundial del Càncer, la fotògrafa Ximena Borrazas i Vall d’Hebron col·laboren en un projecte fotogràfic per recaptar fons per investigar en la lluita contra la malaltia.

The funds come from the campaign "Una pizca de Magia" (A pinch of Magic) promoted by Tamara Gorro.

The awarded initiatives are research for a non-invasive diagnosis of endometrium cancer and a project to improve the efficiency of RNA therapies.

The donation will allow to continue promoting research projects to understand and find new therapies for pediatric nervous system tumors and childhood sarcomas.

The inhibition of integrin alpha9 (ITGA9) by the drug RA08 is a novel therapeutic strategy to prevent the dissemination of tumor cells.

The association and VHIR have signed a collaboration agreement to fund with 150,000€ a project to find new therapeutic strategies for this childhood tumor of the central nervous system.

The presentations address the discovery of new drugs and therapeutic targets, clinical trial results and the improvement of clinical practice and patient experience.

The technique developed at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) uses a "switch" to block the reproduction of neuroblastoma cells

This is the first international study on the incidence of Mediterranean nutrition on the side effects of cancer treatments and survival of pediatric cancer patients.

On World Cancer Research Day, we highlight the impact of VHIR projects in the field of oncology.

The study, coordinated by Vall d'Hebron, aims to facilitate access to personalized medicine for all children and adolescents with cancer, regardless of where they live.

Dr. Luz Uria was recognized for the best communication of the Congress of the Sociedad Española de Hematología y Oncología Pediátrica, the second place was for Dr. Raquel Hladun.

The meeting allows establishing the basis for collaboration between experts from around the world, with the aim of promoting research on this protein and its role in cancer.

In pediatric cancers, sarcomas account for 14% of cases and 20% of deaths.

These studies, part of the BEACON project, describe the efficacy of a new immunotherapy treatment for neuroblastoma and the usefulness of new biomarkers in predicting the prognosis and response to therapy.

The identification of genetic alterations is key to be able to administer targeted therapies to each patient.

This is a collaborative work of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology that aims to promote precision medicine in the national health system.

Som centre estatal de referència per al trasplantament de progenitors hematopoètics o cèl·lules mare, amb 1.417 trasplantaments realitzats: fa una dècada que vam obtenir l’acreditació JACIE, la més prestigiosa de l’àmbit europeu.

The Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus has organised the World Cancer Day Conference as part of World Cancer Day, today, 4 February.

It is first proof of concept for the delivery of a tumor-suppressive microRNA for the treatment of neuroblastoma, a highly-aggressive pediatric solid tumor of the peripheral nervous system.

The donation will boost the research headed by Dr Josep Roma, researcher with the VHIR Childhood Cancer and Haematological Diseases group.

Dr. Lucas Moreno and Dr. Constantino Sábado, researchers of the Translational Research Group in Childhood and Adolescent Cancer, are two of the leaders of the international study.

The study shows the therapeutic effect of a new drug called 4SC-205 in new mouse neuroblastoma models, where it is effective in reducing the growth of the tumour.