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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

These results reinforce the need for more individualized attention to address educational needs from an early stage.

The TOUCH MSCA-COFUND doctoral training programme, led by UAB and focusing on the field of mental health, has opened its first call for applications, offering 13 doctoral positions.

The new drug improves core symptoms of depression in just three days

This new method improves and streamlines drug development processes

Complemented with the analysis of genetic variants, the work led by Vall d'Hebron establishes the basis for using gene expression as a potential biomarker of risk of developing the disorder.

Among the genes described, there are some related to digestive system functions, which reinforces the biological entity of irritable bowel syndrome as a digestive disease.

This is the result of a study led by the IISPV, the University Hospital Pere Mata Institute and the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR).

La recerca és fonamental per contrarestar els efectes de la pol·lució, que segons l’AEMPS, va ser la causa de més de 300.000 morts prematures a la UE el 2020.

Understanding the genetics of ADHD and the association with other pathologies will help to prevent and diagnose patients early and facilitate research into new targeted therapies.

El Dr. Gabriel Sampol, del Servei de Pneumologia i grup de Pneumologia del VHIR, el Dr. Jordi Giralt, cap del Servei d'Oncologia Radioteràpica i cap del grup d’Oncologia Radioteràpica del VHIO, el Dr. Josep Antoni Ramos Quiroga, cap del Servei de Psiquiatria i cap del grup de Psiquiatria, Salut Mental i Addiccions del VHIR, i el Dr. Víctor M. Vargas, del Servei d'Hepatologia, guardonats pel COMB.

Enguany la Jornada ha estat dedicada a la recerca a l’abordatge de la nova realitat en salut mental postpandèmia.

The studies focus on neurodevelopment disorders, suicide prevention, bipolar disorder and depression.

Understanding the changes that the fetus undergoes when exposed to cannabis will help to improve the prevention of consumption and the monitoring of pregnant cannabis users.

The international study has identified 89 genes involved in the risk of developing a stroke, 61 of which had not been previously described.

En les consultes de la Unitat de Tractament Integral de l’Obesitat de Vall d’Hebron els avenços de la recerca estan molt presents, ja sigui en forma d’assaig clínic o mitjançant la utilització d’unes ulleres de realitat virtual.

Onze investigadors i investigadores de Vall d’Hebron faran xerrades i tallers amb l’objectiu d’apropar la ciència a tothom.

Aquesta trobada es dirigeix a un públic de totes les edats amb un ampli ventall de formats: experiments, instal·lacions, jocs, tallers, demostracions, espectacles, debats, microxerrades, itineraris i visites guiades, entre d’altres.

EU-PEARL hopes to transform standard clinical trials into collaborative multi-compound research platforms focused on patients.

These results contribute to improving the treatment of ADHD and insomnia, as well as to better understanding the interactions between these two complex disorders.

El Dr. Josep Antoni Ramos Quiroga, la Dra. Núria Gómez Barros, la Dra. Sala Guila, el Dr. Francisco Collazos i el Dr. Marc Ferrer, del Servei de Salut Mental de Vall d’Hebron, han aparegut al llarg de les més de 15 hores de programa.

This work is the base to develop an integrate research platform focus on this pathology.

The study, led by Anna Beneria, specialist physician of the Mental Health Service, concludes that these methodologies have shortcomings and proposes the implementation of improvements in the follow-up of young people.

The EVOLUTION trial is currently in phase IIb and it will evaluate the effect of the Vafidemstat drug on cognitive effects and the negative effects deriving from the illness.

The results of this study led by the Psychiatry Service in Vall d'Hebron are essential to understand the experience of families and patients and assess the need for specific psychological interventions.