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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

Using computed tomography (CT), with or without contrast, it is possible to perform an accurate and safe detection of the disease without the need for biopsies and avoiding the limitations of other non-invasive diagnostic tools.

Preliminary study results confirm that the drug resmetirom reduces the presence of fat, inflammation, cell damage and fibrosis in the liver.

The European project, in which Vall d'Hebron participates, will favor personalized diagnosis and innovative therapeutic strategies in patients with the disease.

The research team used nanotechnology to deliver the drug directly to liver cells, which eliminated side effects without reducing effectiveness.

The book is the culmination of the last ten years of research by Dr Gregori, Dr Quer and Dr Rodríguez-Frías in the Viral Hepatitis laboratory

This new method improves and streamlines drug development processes

Dr. Juan M Pericàs and Elena Sena, researchers at the Liver Diseases Group at VHIR, analyzed the impact of the socioeconomic status in the disease and the results of the EU-PEARL project on clinical trials.

L’objectiu d’aquesta sessió va ser posar de manifest les necessitats i perspectives des del punt de vista de diferents àmbits implicats en els assaigs clínics: la recerca, les entitats reguladores i la indústria farmacèutica.

La consultora sènior del Servei d'Hepatologia de l'Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron i investigadora principal del grup de Malalties Hepàtiques del VHIR ha rebut el premi per les seves aportacions en el de les malalties hepatiques.

The variants of the virus at the beginning of the pandemic presented defective genomes in the spike gene, that is, some viral particles lacked part of the key genomic material to infect new cells.

The call will fund a project on the impact of the Low Emission Zone on the incidence of arrhythmias and another to stop liver disease related to alcohol consumption.

Els ajuts impulsaran estudis en els camps del VIH, les hepatitis virals i la COVID-19.

One in four adults suffers from this hepatic disease for which there is still no specific pharmacological treatment.

Vall d'Hebron és referent en el diagnòstic i abordatge multidisciplinari de l’esteatohepatitis no alcohòlica i liderem el nombre d’assajos clínics a l’Estat sobre NASH.

EU-PEARL hopes to transform standard clinical trials into collaborative multi-compound research platforms focused on patients.

For two days, 30 people between Hepatologia¡ unit researchers and industry experts have laid the foundations for this project.

The Hepatology Service is currently participating in 74 clinical trials, of which 50 are commercial.

The innovative oral drug could provide a new therapeutic option for people with PBC who have not obtained the recommended therapeutic outcome or who do not tolerate first line therapy and cannot continue their treatment.

La comissió EASL-Lancet, en què ha participat la Dra. María Buti, ha analitzat possibles millores per a la prevenció i la detecció precoç d'aquestes patologies.

Among the 108 Spanish scientists recognised on the 2021 Web of Science Group list, two from Vall d’Hebron Research Institute stand out: Dr Maria Buti and Dr Xavier Montalban.