Marc Miquel Moltó Abad I am a biologist with experience in both clinical and preclinical research on lysosomal storage diseases. I am intrigued by the clinical complexity of these rare diseases. Their low incidence in the population, the limited knowledge about their pathophysiology and the limitations of their current treatment are important points that needs to be investigated. I am very interested in nanotechnology application as a tool to improve the treatment of these diseases as well as the life quality of these patients. Institutions of which they are part Predoctoral researcher Clinical Biochemistry, Drug Delivery & Therapy (CB-DDT) Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Rare diseases Cross-departmental services LinkedIn Twitter Orcid Email Marc Miquel Moltó Abad LinkedIn Twitter Orcid Email Institutions of which they are part Predoctoral researcher Clinical Biochemistry, Drug Delivery & Therapy (CB-DDT) Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Rare diseases Cross-departmental services I am a biologist with experience in both clinical and preclinical research on lysosomal storage diseases. I am intrigued by the clinical complexity of these rare diseases. Their low incidence in the population, the limited knowledge about their pathophysiology and the limitations of their current treatment are important points that needs to be investigated. I am very interested in nanotechnology application as a tool to improve the treatment of these diseases as well as the life quality of these patients.
I have experience in cell culture, in vitro and in vivo assays and the monitoring of clinical trials. Regarding basic research, I have participated in projects ranging from the field of cancer and telomere dysfunction, to projects about the study of nanoparticles application in order to improve the treatment of a rare metabolic disease (Fabry's disease). In 2013 I got my Biology’s degree from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and in 2015 I completed an official master's degree in Cytogenetics and Reproductive Biology at the same university where I was able to work on my cell culture skills (derivative publication in Oncotarget). Subsequently, I started to work as a research technician in the Rare Diseases Unit of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona (2016-2019), where I collaborated in the coordination of research projects and clinical trials focused on a group of rare diseases called lysosomal storage diseases. Consequently, I am a co-author of different scientific publications (8), in specialized journals (Mol Genet Metab, J Clin Med, Orphanet J Rare Dis, J Bone Min Res). In 2020, I began my journey as a predoctoral researcher in the Delivery and Targeting research group testing nanometric systems for the improvement of current treatment of Fabry disease. As a result, I am a co-author of a review paper (WIRES) and a scientific publication (J Extracel Ves).
Projects TACTIC: Explorando soluciones a los retos de salud mediante ciencia disruptiva, terapias avanzadas y medicina de sistemas IP: Begoña Benito Villabriga Collaborators: Carmen Escudero Iriarte, Laia Ventura i Expósito, Susana Otero Romero, Ibane Abasolo Olaortua, Ignacio Ferreira González, José Antonio Barrabés Riu, Carlos Nos Llopis, Pablo Velasco Puyó, Jose Fernando Rodríguez Palomares, María Rosario Pérez- Torres Lobato, Sunny Malhotra Sareen, Belen Perez Dueñas, Jaume Sastre Garriga, Joan López Hellin, Antonia Sambola Ayala, Jordi Rio Izquierdo, Nuria Rivas Gandara, Jordi Perez Rodon, Aroa Soriano Fernández, Manuel Comabella Lopez, Antonio Rodríguez Sinovas, Gisela Teixido Tura, Antonia Pijuan Domenech, Roser Ferrer Costa, Joaquin Seras Franzoso, Carmen Tur Gomez, Maria Cristina Díaz de Heredia Rubio, Laia Yañez Bisbe, Julia German Cortes, Maria Jose Pérez García, Miguel Segura Ginard, Diego Baranda Martínez-Abasca, Cristina Auger Acosta, Neus Bellera Gotarda, Herena Eixarch Ahufinger, M Mar Mañu Pereira, Deborah Pareto Onghena, Lorena Valero Arrese, Aitor Uribarri Gonzalez, Jordi Bañeras Rius, Alex Rovira Cañellas, Mar Tintore Subirana, Bruno García del Blanco, Maria Teresa Salcedo Allende, Marisol Ruiz Meana, Ana Belén Méndez Fernández, Xavier Montalban Gairín, Simon Schwartz Navarro, Anna Llort Sales, Carmen Espejo Ruiz, Raquel Hladun Alvaro, Angels Alcina Mila, Sandra Mancilla Zamora, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Ana Zabalza de Torres, Marc Miquel Moltó Abad, Javier Inserte Igual, Luciana Midaglia Fernandez, Elizabeth Pando Rau, Gabriela Guillén Burrieza, Ana Laura Cazurro Gutierrez, David Gómez Andrés, Alvaro Cobo Calvo, Alvaro Calabuig Goena, Joaquin Castillo Justribo, Lydia Dux-Santoy Hurtado, Lucas Moreno Martín-Retortillo, Andres Miguez Gonzalez, Josep Roma Castanyer, Laura Dos Subirá, Nicolás Miguel Fissolo, Maria Nazarena Pizzi, Tian Tian, Fernanda Raquel Da Silva Andrade, Diana Fernandes de Rafael, Andrea Guala Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Funding: 2494527.53 Reference: FORT23/00034 Duration: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2027 Bioquímica Clínica, Vehiculització de Fàrmacs i Teràpia (Clinical Biochemistry, Drug Delivery & Therapy, CB-DDT) IP: - Collaborators: José Antonio Arranz Amo, Raquel Barquin Del Pino, Laura Conesa Milian, Clara Ramírez Serra, Yolanda Villena Ortiz, Joan López Hellin, Albert Blanco Grau, Roser Ferrer Costa, Joaquin Seras Franzoso, Diego Baranda Martínez-Abasca, Laura Castillo Ribelles, Clara Carnicer Cáceres, Marina Giralt Arnaiz, Ana Gomez Garcia, Simon Schwartz Navarro, Pablo Gabriel Medina, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Marc Miquel Moltó Abad, Laura Castellote Bellés, Daniel Bravo Nieto, Luz María Cruz Carlos, Clara Sanz Gea, Alba Estela García Fernández, Maria del Pilar Reimundo Diaz-Fierros, Belen Garcia Prats, Noelia Díaz Troyano, JAUME VIMA BOFARULL, Fernanda Raquel Da Silva Andrade, Diana Fernandes de Rafael, Maria Francesca Cortese, Sandra Mancilla Zamora Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Funding: 60000 Reference: 2021 SGR 01173 Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025 Mejora del tratamiento de las enfermedades de depósito lisosomal mediante vehículos nanométricos optimizados IP: - Collaborators: Marc Miquel Moltó Abad, Miriam Izquierdo Sans Funding agency: Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Salut Funding: 90306.55 Reference: SLT017/20/000181 Duration: 05/07/2021 - 31/12/2024 Vesículas extracelulares para el tratamiento de enfermeades lisosomales (Título provisional) IP: Ibane Abasolo Olaortua Collaborators: Laura García Latorre, Guillem Pintos Morell, Sandra Mancilla Zamora, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Marc Miquel Moltó Abad, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Funding: 153670 Reference: PI21/00936 Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025 Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page › Last page »