Matilde Lleonart Pajarin I am group leader of "Biomedical Research in Cancer Stem Cells" at VHIR. I arrived at VHIR 21 years ago after having worked in different prestigious international research centers: World Health Organization (WHO) at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (Lyon, France), the Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research (WIBR) in London and the Queen´s Mary University of London. Institutions of which they are part Head of group Head and Neck Cancer: Biomedical Research Cancer Stem cells Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca LinkedIn Twitter Orcid Email Matilde Lleonart Pajarin LinkedIn Twitter Orcid Email Institutions of which they are part Head of group Head and Neck Cancer: Biomedical Research Cancer Stem cells Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca I am group leader of "Biomedical Research in Cancer Stem Cells" at VHIR. I arrived at VHIR 21 years ago after having worked in different prestigious international research centers: World Health Organization (WHO) at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (Lyon, France), the Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research (WIBR) in London and the Queen´s Mary University of London.
My Research Group was recognized as an Emerging Research Group in 2009 by the Generalitat de Catalunya and later in 2014 as a Consolidated Research Group. Throughout my career I have been involved in cancer research from a more molecular point of view correlating key mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes with anatomical, pathological and clinical features of patients' tumors and also through cell culture studies to determine important key cell signaling pathways in tumorigenesis. Currently, the main lines of research of my Research Group focus on the identification and characterization of biological mechanisms in resistant cancer cells, including cancer stem cells, to unravel the pathways responsible for their resistance in breast, lung and head and neck cancer models. In addition, we are particularly focused on identifying molecular targets in resistant cancer cells and cancer stem cells affecting particularly aggressive tumors. The aim is to attack them pharmacologically in order to propose new cancer therapies: new drugs and/or drug combinations to combat resistant tumors in mouse models.
Research lines Detección precoz de cáncer mamario antes de que éste se manifieste A partir de datos preliminares de arrays, hemos caracterizado algunos microRNAs/mRNAs relevantes en tumores. Actualmente los estamos analizando a nivel de pacientes con cáncer en sangre como posible método predictivo antes de la aparición del tumor. IP: Matilde Lleonart Pajarin Estudio de proteínas de unión a RNA como nuevos factores pronóstico y diagnóstico en cáncer En nuestro laboratorio hemos efectuado diversos “screenings” genéticos para detectar nuevos genes implicados en proliferación celular in vitro que además poséan un papel relevante en cáncer humano. De entre ellos descubrimos la proteínas CIRP, la cual hemos descrito como proteína oncogénica. Actualmente estamos valorando la función de CIRP en diversos tipos tumorales en correlación con la evolución clínica de los pacientes. IP: Matilde Lleonart Pajarin Study of new genes involved in proliferation Searching for new proliferative genes/tumor suppressor genes is being performed at our laboratory by carring out genetic screens. By the use of retroviral vectors as carriers of a cDNA libraries (formed by mRNA from murine embryonic stem cells), primary cells are infected and screening for those clones able to bypass senescence are selected for further characterization. The marked morphological heterogeneity observed in several tumorigenic process, support the hypothesis that several cancers have their origin in a stem cell. It is believed that genes expressed by embryonic stem cells, may play an important role in the tumorigenic mechanism.This project unravels the effect of immortal genes existing in embryonic stem cells, when are forced to be expressed in primary and thereby mortal cells. These immortal genes are future candidate markers in tumors with potential prognosis value. The novel genes discovered, are being analyzed in the biopsies from patients with different kinds of tumors collected at the Pathology Department of the Vall d´Hebrón Hospital. IP: Matilde Lleonart Pajarin Identificación y caracterización de genes/microRNAs en tumores humanos asociados a mal pronóstico En base a arrays de microRNAs y mRNAs efectuados a partir de tumores humanos, identificamos los más desregulados entre tejidos normales y tumorales para caracterizarlos a nivel molecular. IP: Matilde Lleonart Pajarin Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page › Last page » Projects Degradadores moleculares de SFN para sensibilizar células tumorales de cabeza y cuello (HNSCC) resistentes a terapias convencionales (ANTCANRES) IP: Matilde Lleonart Pajarin Collaborators: Yoelsis Garcia Mayea Funding agency: Fundació Institut Bioenginyeria de Catalunya Funding: 0.01 Reference: K9086 Duration: 24/07/2023 - 24/07/2024 Beca VHIR PhD IP: Matilde Lleonart Pajarin Collaborators: Sira Rodrigo Bosch, Laia Perez Lasarte, Marina Bataller Fernández Funding agency: Fundació Institut de Recerca HUVH Funding: 69188.74 Reference: VPHD/MARINA_B Duration: 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2026 New compounds targeting head and neck cancer as Trojan horses against chemoresistant cells IP: Matilde Lleonart Pajarin Collaborators: Yoelsis Garcia Mayea, Marina Bataller Fernández, Gabriela Isabel Fuentes Llopis, Almudena Sanchez Garcia Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Funding: 20000 Reference: 2023 LLAV 00102 Duration: 01/02/2024 - 31/07/2024 Therapeutical approaches against chemoresistant cancers IP: Matilde Lleonart Pajarin Collaborators: Yoelsis Garcia Mayea, Fco. Xavier De la Cruz Montserrat, Juan Lorente Guerrero, Natalia Padilla Sirera, Marina Bataller Fernández, Almudena Sanchez Garcia, Selen Ozkan Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Funding: 0.01 Reference: 2021 SGR 01205 Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025 Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 … Next page › Last page »