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Eva Giménez travels to Japan, the country with most patients with the Dent’s disease to compile information to improve the research



The objective of Eva is both ambitious and necessary: to achieve 1.5 million euros to finance the research project led by VHIR to find a medication for Dent disease.

Next June 5, Eva Giménez, the mother of Nacho, an 8-year-old boy with Dent's disease, will embark on a trip to Japan to meet Dr. Miura. Dr. Miura is from the Department of Pediatric Nephrology at Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital and expert in this disease. His team treats the only child in the world who suffers the same mutation as Nacho. But she will go much further and take advantage of the trip to carry out one of her sporting challenges with which she gives visibility to the disease around the world, raising funds for research with her actions. This time she will ascent to Mount Fuji by bicycle, up to a height of 2,200m, and, if possible, will make the last leg on foot (only open to the public during the months of July and August) until reaching the summit at 3,700 meters.Eva's goal is as ambitious as it is necessary. She wants to obtain 1.5 million euros to finance the research project led by VHIR and in which the Hospital Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria in Tenerife also participates in order to find a medication for Dent's disease.There are currently 411 patients registered in the world with Dent's disease. 127 of them only in Japan, which makes it the country with the most patients diagnosed. Analyzing this situation with Dr. Félix Claverie, head of the project at the Hospital Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria, they considered it is convenient to collect more information and diagnoses from other patients.And that's how the idea of traveling to Japan was born. She will be accompanied by former professional cyclist Perico Delgado and Dr. Felix Claverie. And not to lose detail of the ascent to Mount Fuji, will travel with her Eloi Tomás, director of the documentary "" The Challenge of Eva", and Diego Amela, camera of Zoopa producer, who will be responsible for recording this experience for the second documentary that are preparing and that will be released in September "Beyond The Eva's Challenge".Crossing bordersIt is not the first time that Eva leaves our country to publicize the disease, to share information with other affected families and the professionals who treat them. She previously went to run the Titan Desert in Africa. Later in 2017 she traveled to Latin America to assess how two patients she knew were treating: Daniel in Ecuador and Gabriel in Argentina. In Chile and Mexico, where there were no detected cases, she carried out different sporting challenges, including crossing by bike the Atacama Desert, which has already seen its fruits: the identification of three brothers located in Chile, and a genetic study in progress for two patients in Mexico.

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